Youth Engagement Resources for the Classroom

School planning has been well underway for educators. With the first day behind us or just around the corner, the YEN team wanted to share some tips and resources that may prove valuable for educators wanting to improve and sustain youth engagement.

Engaging youth in learning is vital. When youth are engaged, they are involved cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally. In addition, research has found essential links between levels of youth engagement and student achievement in school.

The APAS System is a comprehensive, field-tested suite of assessment tools (quality observation tool and youth outcomes tools) to measure and link program quality and youth outcomes, including youth engagement in learning. NIOST has developed a few tips to help boost youth engagement in programs through this tool.

Image that reads "six ways educators can boost youth engagement in the classroom"

Six ways educators can boost youth engagement in the classroom:

  1. Spark passion: Frequently interact with youth to spark interest and enthusiasm in what they're doing. 
  2. Challenge: Offer activities that match youth interests and are appropriately challenging. 
  3. Build cooperation: Involve youth in cooperative learning activities. 
  4. Encourage agency: Offer choices between activities and involve youth in program planning and decision-making.
  5. Acknowledge achievement: Provide opportunities for youth to be recognized for their efforts and accomplishments. 
  6. Don't rushAllow time in your program schedule to explore and complete activities fully.

Want more resources?

Here are four great resources for educators with many innovative ways for professionals to engage with young people: Engagement Tips for Professionals:'s Eight Successful Youth Engagement Approaches: 

CDC Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups 7 Communities:

Prodigy's 17 Student Engagement Strategies Teachers Swear by:


Learn More: 

Visit for more resources on Youth Engagement and more.

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