Principles of youth engagement

“You need to find that support system that will lift you and say...I will carry you, but later on, you’re gonna fly, you’re gonna have your own wings.” –Youth Panel Participant. 

Youth engagement is an intentional partnership between youth and an organization where young people are involved in all parts of an organization, from decision-making to implementation.

The Youth Engagement Network (YEN) uses a trauma-informed, youth-centered, research-driven approach to increase the number and effective coordination of stakeholders committed to youth engagement. The YEN also aims to increase the number and accessibility of effective youth engagement interventions, particularly for youth who experience systemic marginalization or discrimination.

To do this, the YEN conducted an environmental scan of the literature to explore the overall context, research, needs, and resources related to youth engagement in sexual and reproductive health programs and services. From this synthesis, we identified several underlying principles of meaningful youth engagement.

4 people group

These principles posit that youth engagement should:

1. Uplift the rights of young people to be involved in the decisions and actions that impact their lives. 

2. Transform power structures to enable and empower young people to voice their own needs and priorities and incentivize systems to respond to and act on those priorities; 

3. Value the diversity of young people’s lived experiences and perspectives; 

4. Embrace equity by actively and respectfully involving and supporting youth with identities or from communities that are systemically impacted; and 

5. Recognize the impact of trauma and respond by cultivating safe, caring relationships and positive, empowering experiences.

You can read all of the findings from the Youth Engagement Network’s Environmental Scan in its entirety here.

Previous Posts

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