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What's Up, ETR - August 2014

What's Up, ETR - August 2014

By ETR | August 15, 2014

We are happy to welcome new staffers Tamara Kuhn and Annika Shore. We are also pleased to announce the publication of a special issue of the international peer-reviewed journal Sex Education celebrating Doug Kirby's contributions to the field of adolescent sexual and reproductive health.


International Recognition for Dr. Douglas Kirby

The international peer-reviewed journal Sex Education has published a special issue celebrating Doug Kirby’s contributions to sex education. Dr. Kirby, a senior research scientist at ETR and long-time pillar in the field of adolescent sexual and reproductive health, died suddenly in 2012. We are pleased to see him honored in this way. Two papers by ETR researchers were accepted for the journal: “Mediation analysis of an adolescent HIV/STI/pregnancy prevention intervention,” by Dr. Jill Glassman and others; and “Romantic relationships: An important context for HIV/STI and pregnancy prevention programmes with young people,” by Dr. Karin Coyle and others.

The journal has provided free open access to the article "Doug Kirby's contributions to the field of sex education," by Leslie M. Kantor, Lori Rolleri and Katherine Kolios.


Welcome New Staff

ETR is delighted to announce the addition of two extraordinary talents to our staff.

Tamara J. Kuhn joins us as Director of Innovative Program Technology and will be leading our initiatives to develop technology-based projects. She is an experienced social scientist, researcher, programmer and web developer who specializes in the conceptualization, design and programming of health and behavioral science technology. She has led tech development for more than 30 federally funded projects, as well as serving as principal/co-investigator on 14 Phase I and Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Projects.

Annika Shore has joined ETR’s Professional Development team and will be providing support on all aspects of ETR’s professional learning services. She brings over 10 years of experience working with young people and adults in the arena of sexual and reproductive health, with an emphasis on sexual health and HIV, STD and pregnancy prevention. Most of her work has centered on engaging underserved communities of youth through peer education and youth-adult partnership programs, and in training adults who serve youth.

An enthusiastic welcome to both!

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