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ETR Blog

Check out what our people and partners are researching, thinking, reading, writing, watching and doing! (Note: The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ETR as an agency.)

World No Tobacco Day 2023: Grow Food, Not [Commercial] Tobacco
May 22, 2023

World No Tobacco Day 2023: Grow Food, Not [Commercial] Tobacco

By Nasbah Ben | May 22, 2023
Director of Tribal Projects, ETR

In honor of World No Tobacco Day 2023, ETR's Director of Tribal Projects Nasbah Ben shares reflections on the importance of tobacco education and prevention that is rooted in a health equity framework -- especially for the numerous recognized and unrecognized Tribes throughout the US.

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Toxic Trash: How Do We Handle Tobacco Product Waste?
April 20, 2023

Toxic Trash: How Do We Handle Tobacco Product Waste?

By Yadira Friday, MPH | April 20, 2023
Project Coordinator - TECC, ETR

Earth Day, which is held every year on April 22nd, is an observance that encourages individuals to think about the impact that they make on the larger environment. This blog will describe the impact of tobacco product waste, as well as recommendations for how to dispose of it properly.

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The Taste of Change: California's New Flavored Tobacco Law and its Impact on Health Equity
March 10, 2023

The Taste of Change: California's New Flavored Tobacco Law and its Impact on Health Equity and Policy

By The ETR Team | March 10, 2023

On December 21, 2022, Proposition 31 went into effect in California, banning the sale of most flavored tobacco products. This ended a two-year referendum of senate bill 793 (SB 793) signed into law in August 2020. The passage of this law has sparked conversation across the state as the tobacco industry adapts its product lines, and residents and public health advocates work to understand what the flavor ban will look like in practice. Let’s explore key facets of the law, and how it promotes health equity and empowers local policy efforts.

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INSPIRE+ Showcases Innovative Solutions to Prevent Unhealthy Substance Use Designed by California Youth for Their Communities
December 14, 2022

INSPIRE+ Showcases Innovative Solutions to Prevent Unhealthy Substance Use Designed by California Youth for Their Communities

By Sarah Han, MPH and Rebecca Braun, DrPH, MPH | December 14, 2022
YTH Initiative, ETR

The INSPIRE+ project empowers and collaborates with California youth to design innovative, creative, and youth-led solutions that address unhealthy substance use and promote community healing, using ETR’s Trauma-Informed Youth-Centered Health Design framework. 

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Lung Cancer Awareness Month 2022: Education and Tips
November 18, 2022

Lung Cancer Awareness Month 2022: Education and Tips

By Brittny Bol, MPH, CHES | November 18, 2022
Project Coordinator - TECC, ETR

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women in the United States. Lung Cancer Awareness Month is observed in November and is a perfect time to raise awareness, learn what signs to look for, and make changes to help lower your risk.

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We Have the Tools to Eliminate Hepatitis C: Advancing Harm Reduction Strategies through Data and Storytelling
May 27, 2022

We Have the Tools to Eliminate Hepatitis C: Advancing Harm Reduction Strategies through Data and Storytelling

By Rebecca Erenrich, MPH and Kristin Kennedy, MS, MPH, CPH | May 27, 2022

The United States is experiencing rising rates of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections, fueled by the nation’s growing opioid crisis. This issue is particularly acute in Appalachia, where the increase in injection drug use led to a more than three-fold rise in new cases of hepatitis among young people between 2006 and 2012. As we close out Hepatitis Awareness Month, recognized each year in May, ETR remains committed to raising awareness, reducing stigma, and combatting the spread of HCV. As part of our fight for health equity, ETR offers science- and evidence-based resources on sexual health and safer drug use and works and maintains a portfolio of community-driven projects rooted in harm reduction, including HepConnect.

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World No Tobacco Day 2022: Our Work is Not Finished
May 26, 2022

World No Tobacco Day: Our Work is Not Finished

By The ETR Team | May 26, 2022

This World No Tobacco Day, our team is reflecting on the commercial tobacco industry’s impact on the health and well-being of people across the nation. ETR envisions a world where all people have the information, skills, and opportunities to lead healthy lives. We are driven by our mission to improve health and increase opportunities for youth, families, and communities.

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Talking About Disparities in Ways That Promote Equity
May 19, 2021

Talking About Disparities in Ways That Promote Equity

By Wendy Kaplan, MPH | May 19, 2021
Former ATOD Program Manager, ETR

One of the projects I work on at ETR is the Tobacco Education Clearinghouse of California (TECC). I have the pleasure of working with organizations throughout the state of California doing their part to end tobacco-related health disparities. One of the ways we do this is through the creation of educational materials that provide information to specific audiences on a wide range of topics.

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Tags: Equity, Health education, TECC, Health equity, Tobacco, ATOD
Working with Tribal Leaders, Reaching Out to Tribal Youth: Tobacco Prevention in Indian Country
September 24, 2019

Working with Tribal Leaders, Reaching Out to Tribal Youth: Tobacco Prevention in Indian Country

By Jennifer Geisler | September 24, 2019
Program Coordinator, ETR

Tobacco prevention in Indian Country is different. Every tribe is unique, and programs need to be tailored tribe by tribe. California has 109 tribal nations, so keeping programs relevant to each tribe is a big task. Respect for elders and commitment to youth play a vital role in any of our tobacco-related messaging. It is also important to acknowledge and honor the role of sacred tobacco in tribal life.

In California, we have an exciting new state tobacco prevention grant that addresses these issues. 

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Tags: Tribal nations, Youth, Tobacco prevention, Tribal communities, ATOD
Supporting Young Leaders to Create Meaningful Change in Their Communities
August 14, 2019

Supporting Young Leaders to Create Meaningful Change in Their Communities

By Leslie Ferreira, MPA | August 14, 2019
Training and Outreach Manager, ETR

You’ve heard the adage, “Youth are leaders of tomorrow.” But truthfully, young people are leaders today. Our youth are stepping into their power like never before and demanding the space to make their voices heard. As adults, it’s our responsibility—and our privilege—to seek, validate and lift their voices in tangible and genuine ways.

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Tags: Advocacy, Tobacco prevention, Youth voice, Youth empowerment
Advocating for Health: 2019 Capitol Information & Education Days
July 10, 2019

Advocating for Health: 2019 Capitol Information & Education Days

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA | July 10, 2019
Director of ATOD, ETR

We are natural advocates, those of us in the public health world. We talk to our children about tobacco. We encourage our family members to use sunscreen. We work every day to promote the health of our communities. Educating our elected representatives is a logical next step, given the advocacy we practice every day of our lives.

ETR’s ATOD team (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs) recently participated in California’s Capitol Information & Education (I&E) Days. 

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Tags: Flavored tobacco products, Tobacco prevention, Tobacco, Advocacy, ATOD
Cats, Semiotics and Effective Design Communication
June 26, 2019

Cats, Semiotics and Effective Design Communication

By ETR | June 26, 2019

Effective design communication is central to ETR’s mission. Our projects and products communicate health concepts so people can obtain the information, skills and opportunities they need to lead healthy lives. In fact, that’s language lifted directly out of our mission statement.

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Tags: Health communication, Design
Engaging Youth in Program Planning
June 18, 2019

Engaging Youth in Program Planning

By ETR | June 18, 2019

It makes sense to engage young people in planning and implementing programs focused on youth. These steps can benefit organizations and communities as well as young people themselves. So…what do you do if you’re a believer, you want to see more youth engagement in your organization, but you’re under-resourced? Or your leadership isn’t on the same page? Or you’re just not sure how to proceed?

There are some fine resources that can offer guidance, but we’d like to suggest you start by watching this video from ETR Project Coordinator Alda Santana. 

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Tags: Videos, Youth Advisory Board, Youth, Youth empowerment, Youth voice, Youth programs
Behavioral Economics in Tobacco Prevention
May 21, 2019

Behavioral Economics in Tobacco Prevention

By ETR | May 21, 2019

How do we make choices about our behaviors? How do we judge the potential risks and benefits of a decision to, for example, use tobacco products?

In 2002, psychologist Daniel Kahneman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for demonstrating that the answers to these questions are found through an integration of psychology and economics. 

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Tags: Videos, Tobacco prevention, TECC
Smoke-Free Housing: A Social Justice Issue
March 21, 2019

Smoke-Free Housing: A Social Justice Issue

By ETR | March 21, 2019

Last year, ETR Program Manager Theresa Boschert wrote a post for us about smoke-free housing as a social justice issue. Smoke-free multi-unit housing is now the rule for federally funded public housing. It’s a good idea for all multi-unit housing.

In the video below, Theresa has a conversation with Administrative Specialist Crystal Mantle about why these policies are important.

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Tags: Housing, TECC, Second-hand smoke, Smokefree laws, Social justice
Kids and E-Cigarette Liquids: Keeping Watch During the Holidays and Beyond
December 17, 2018

Kids and E-Cigarette Liquids: Keeping Watch During the Holidays and Beyond

By Xinran Cui Dhaliwal, MPH | December 17, 2018
Project Coordinator, ETR

If your holidays are anything like mine, then they are full of family reunions and house hopping. My daughter, one and a half, loves it! New places to check out, great food, hugs and kisses from all the doting adults.

I’m not a helicopter mom, so I don’t really sweat the non-baby proof houses, and there is no limit on sugar. If people want to treat her to some sweets and cookies, that’s fine. She eats well at home.

But I did sweat a little when I came across news about poison control centers handling cases of exposure to e-cigarette devices and liquids.

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Tags: Flavored tobacco products, Young children, Children, E-cigarettes
A Picture Is Worth a Lot of Words: E-Cigarette Marketing to Children and Youth
November 27, 2018

A Picture Is Worth a Lot of Words: E-Cigarette Marketing to Children and Youth

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | November 27, 2018
Senior Editor, ETR

You probably already know that flavored tobacco and e-cigarettes pose a unique and compelling danger to children and youth. You’ve paid attention to the headlines. You’ve read the articles and reports. You’ve been astonished at the troubling statistics showing how these products are fueling increases in tobacco use among youth.

That was certainly true for me. Then I helped out in a photoshoot of flavored tobacco and e-cigarette products. 

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES
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Tags: Adolescent health, Flavored tobacco products, E-cigarettes, Tobacco prevention
Don't Be Tricked by These Treats: Make Smart Choices About Edible Marijuana
October 25, 2018

Don't Be Tricked by These Treats: Make Smart Choices About Edible Marijuana

By Laura Perkins, MLS | October 25, 2018
Editor, ETR

With cannabis legalized for recreational use in some places, people have questions about all the new products available, especially edibles. If marijuana is legal, it’s safe to use, right? How much of an edible can you eat? ETR has new materials to help people understand how to make smarter decisions. See our fact card here, and our poster here.

By Laura Perkins, MLS
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Tags: ATOD, Marijuana, ETR products
California Tobacco Control Program: An Outstanding Partner Shares an Exciting Opportunity
August 16, 2018

California Tobacco Control Program: An Outstanding Partner Shares an Exciting Opportunity

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | August 16, 2018

ETR is privileged to work with outstanding partners. In fact, one of the best things about working here is the opportunity to collaborate with people and programs whose mission, like ours, is to make a genuine difference.

Today the California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) is particularly on our minds. 

By Vignetta Charles, PhD
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Tags: Tribal communities, Tribal nations, Health equity, Tobacco prevention
Health Equity Framework in Practice: Communities Energized for Health
June 12, 2018

Health Equity Framework in Practice: Communities Energized for Health

By Theresa Boschert, JD | June 12, 2018
Project Director, ETR

I’d like to tell you a story about a woman I’ll call Minnie. She’s a single mom with two pre-school aged children. She called my office one day asking for help about her housing situation.

Minnie and her children lived in a second floor apartment in a privately owned low rent housing unit. She was routinely sleeping in her car with her kids because her downstairs neighbor came home from work each day around 6 PM and began smoking. By nine o’clock, her children, one of whom had asthma, were coughing and having problems breathing.

By Theresa Boschert, JD
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Tags: Health Equity Framework, Health equity, Social justice, Second-hand smoke, Tobacco prevention

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