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What's Up, ETR - June 2014

What's Up, ETR - June 2014

By ETR | June 23, 2014

Our latest Quarterly Review is now posted and available for viewing if you’d like to see some of the work we’ve been doing over the past few months.


ETR’s incredible research and professional development groups have recently been awarded some exciting grants for projects that can help us understand and implement the best strategies for promoting healthy, fulfilling lives.


With support from the Grove Foundation, we’ll be establishing a national infrastructure for professional development for grantees in their WISE program (Working to Institutionalize Sexuality Education).

The National Science Foundation is supporting a project that builds career pathways in the information and communication technology fields for underrepresented youth.

The National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development is supporting a 2-year study exploring inaccuracies in self-report measures of adolescent risk-taking behaviors.

We applaud the fine work of our colleagues and appreciate the meaningful support of these grantors.

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