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There are 5 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Training of trainers".

1. 8 Things Great Trainers Say

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | April 27, 2017

Yesterday I spent some time with an extraordinary group of people. They're not the kind of folks you're likely to see on TV or read about in the news. They're the kind who go out into their communities every day, do their work with commitment, and make a world of difference.

Tags: Training of trainers, Professional development
By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES

2. SuperCamp! Shaping and Sharpening Trainer Skills

By Cody Sigel, MPH, CHES | September 9, 2016

Have you ever been to a truly extraordinary training event? The kind where you actually look forward to completing the feedback form at the end because you’ve learned so much and had such a great experience?

Those are the kinds of trainings I love to attend, and also the kind I love to deliver. Here at ETR, we strive to make every training event we deliver the kind that makes our participants feel equipped, confident and inspired to do their best work and have the most impact. As a training team we never stop working on continuous improvement efforts that make this a reality. 

Tags: Training design, Training of trainers, Evidence-based interventions
By Cody Sigel, MPH, CHES

3. WILLOW Women On the HIV Front Lines

By Jacqueline Peters | April 21, 2016

I am an excited and fortunate woman. I recently completed the process to become a Certified Trainer for the WILLOW program. I’m meeting some incredible people and being given the opportunity to make a genuine difference in the HIV prevention effort. And after my experiences so far, I know one thing for certain. In WILLOW, people have stories to tell. 

Tags: HIV-AIDS, Community Impact Solutions Project, HIV, Women, WILLOW, Training of trainers
By Jacqueline Peters

4. Big Learning in the Big Easy

By Annika Shore, MPH | October 20, 2015

I love trainings. I love facilitating them. I love participating in them. And this past September, I found out I really love training in New Orleans!

That’s where ETR trainers and other leaders in the field of adolescent sexual health gathered last month for a rigorous four days of learning together. The goals? For these leaders to become trainers on two evidence-based programs (EBP), Reducing the Risk (RTR) and Draw the Line/Respect the Line (DTL).

Those of us who use evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs feel strongly that young people deserve meaningful sexual health education. Effective sexual health education helps youth build knowledge, skills and attitudes. 

At ETR, we think evidence-based practices work for adult learners as well!

Tags: Professional development, Training of trainers, Training design
By Annika Shore, MPH

5. Seasoned Trainer Seeking Transformative Experience

By Annika Shore, MPH | June 1, 2015

Are you a trainer, professional development provider or sexuality educator? Do you deliver trainings for educators on evidence-based adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs (EBPs)? Then we’re looking for you!

ETR is offering it’s research-based Training of Trainers—Evidence-Based Programs this coming September 15–18. This training provides an opportunity for you to become skilled in delivering Trainings of Educators for one of these three programs: Draw the Line/Respect the Line (DTL/RTL), Reducing the Risk (RTR) or Becoming a Responsible Teen (BART).

The training will help you bring a new level of energy, understanding and skill to your work. 

Tags: Professional development, Evidence-based interventions, Training of trainers
By Annika Shore, MPH

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