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There are 11 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Tobacco".

1. Advocating for Health: 2019 Capitol Information & Education Days

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA | July 10, 2019

We are natural advocates, those of us in the public health world. We talk to our children about tobacco. We encourage our family members to use sunscreen. We work every day to promote the health of our communities. Educating our elected representatives is a logical next step, given the advocacy we practice every day of our lives.

ETR’s ATOD team (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs) recently participated in California’s Capitol Information & Education (I&E) Days. 

Tags: Flavored tobacco products, Tobacco prevention, Tobacco, Advocacy, ATOD

2. A Real Smoking Gun: Cigarettes, HIV and Cancer

By BA Laris, MPH | February 26, 2019

Today, cancer is the leading cause of death of people living with HIV (PLWH). A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine showed that between 1996 and 2009, there was a 50% increase in cancers of people living with HIV compared to the general population. Non-AIDS-related cancer deaths increased from 11% to 22%. People living with HIV had higher rates for 4 out of 5 forms of cancer. 

Tags: Community Impact Solutions Project, CISP, HIV-AIDS, Tobacco prevention, Tobacco, HIV

3. Youth E-Cigarette Use and School Connectedness

By Xinran Cui Dhaliwal, MPH | March 20, 2018

Health promotion must take a multifaceted approach. It is the only path to success. This is one of my core beliefs.

It’s also something that resonated deeply for me at ETR’s recent All Staff Retreat—my first. When you meet everyone in this organization in one room at one time, you are struck by the fact that ETR staffers work in so many diverse areas of public health research and practice.

Tags: Social determinants of health, Health Equity Framework, Tobacco prevention, Tobacco, E-cigarettes, School connectedness, Vaping

4. Smokefree Laws and a Look at the Evidence

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA | March 8, 2017

Did you happen to see the recent Slate article about secondhand smoke? It had an enticing headline—the kind that often makes Slate such a compelling and engaging read:

“We Used Terrible Science to Justify Smoking Bans”

Tags: Tobacco, Second-hand smoke, Smokefree laws, Science
By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA

5. Letter from a Salty College Student: Our Editor Responds

By ETR | October 13, 2016

We hear regularly from customers about our health education materials. Sometimes they share praise and compliments for a product they’ve found helpful. Sometimes they ask for a new title or resource they need. And sometimes they offer constructive feedback about something that doesn’t quite work in their situation.

We’ve also gotten some really vitriolic criticism from vapers, who tend to dislike our public health messages about e-cigarettes.

Tags: New products, Vaping, Tobacco
By Laura Perkins, MLS

6. Narinder Dhaliwal: Working to End Tobacco's Toll

By ETR | August 8, 2016

For most of her life, Narinder Dhaliwal has been an enthusiastic advocate for tobacco control. “I watched my grandfather slowly kill himself by smoking one or two packs a day,” she explains.

Some of the effects left a strong impression on Narinder. “His fingers on both hands were stained yellow. His lips were close to black. He was always surrounded by the smell of stale tobacco.”

Tags: Tobacco, ETR staff, TECC
By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA

7. Halt the Hookah! 4 Practical Steps to Better Prevention

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA | September 8, 2015

Hookah. The very word brings a sense of excitement to the minds of many young adults. Not only can they sit around a table among friends and smoke, they can share this beautiful, ornate device that makes it an extra-special experience!

What was once a cultural tradition dating back 500 years in Middle East regions of the world has become a trend. It’s “cool,” “sexy,” “fun,” “relaxing.”

Tags: Tobacco, Hookah
By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA

8. Déjà Vu: Big Tobacco Recruits!

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA | June 2, 2015

“Nicotine is not addictive,” tobacco executives said in 1994, testifying before Congress in what are now known as the Waxman Hearings. They said this repeatedly, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary from authorities all the way up to the U.S. Surgeon General.

Over 20 years later, we have 20 more years worth of scientific evidence demonstrating that nicotine is addictive and harmful. We know these products are killing people in all kinds of ways, from direct smoking, to secondhand smoke exposure and even thirdhand smoke (the residual nicotine and other chemicals that remain on people and indoor surfaces—hair, skin, clothes, counters, furniture, drapes, bedding and more).

So what are tobacco companies telling us now that e-cigarettes are on the scene?

Tags: Tobacco, E-cigarettes, Second-hand smoke
By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA

9. Video Picks - June 2014


Does Physical Education help with academics? What's the world of vaping really like? And just how important is social media? Sit back, kick up your feet and take a look at a few of our favorites among the videos that have run across our monitors this month.

Tags: Social media, Tobacco, E-cigarettes, Fitness

10. Working with Tribal Nations: Breaking Barriers, Building Relationships

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA

Have you ever heard, “You can’t work with Native Americans unless you are a Native American”? Not true! Yet we hear it over and over again from those who appoint themselves as the “gatekeepers” of Tribal Nations. California’s Clean Air Project (CCAP) at ETR has been building relationships and providing education and research to Tribal Nations in California since 2006. What we’ve found is that respect is the key.

Tags: Tobacco, Second-hand smoke, Tribal nations
By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 11

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