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There are 3 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Teen parents".

1. Why Have We Ignored Young Fathers?

By Taylor Vandenbossche, MPH | June 22, 2017
Graduate Research Intern, ETR

What comes to mind when you hear the words “young father”? I’ve noticed the narrative behind teen pregnancy often focuses solely on the thoughts and feelings of the mother. Funding and programs primarily serve teen moms.

So what about the young fathers? 

Tags: Research, Adolescent health, teen fathers, Teen parents

2. Re:MIX: Genuine Innovation in a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program

By Mandy Ackerman, LMSW, MPH & Jenifer DeAtley, LMSW | June 14, 2017
Senior Program Coordinator & Director of U.S. Programs, EngenderHealth

Here’s a story that gives us chills—the good kind. A group of our peer educators presented a plenary at a local conference. They shared their personal stories before an audience of about 100 youth-serving professionals from the Central Texas community.

These peer educators are all young mothers. 

Tags: Adolescent health, Sexual and reproductive health, peer education, Pregnancy prevention, Teen parents, Teen moms

3. Taking the Stigma Out of Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood: What Schools Can Do

By Brittany D. Chambers, MPH, CHES | July 28, 2015
Doctoral Student, University of North Carolina, Greensboro | 2014 Kirby Summer Intern, ETR

When you think about adolescent pregnancy, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Most people think about the negative issues.

“Dropping out of high school.”

“Depending on government assistance."



Tags: Teen moms, Teen parents, Pregnancy prevention, Stigma
By Brittany D. Chambers, MPH, CHES

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3

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