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There are 3 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Schools".

1. The ABC's of TOF's: Keeping New Teachers Trained on a Sexual Health Curriculum

By Diana Andrews | June 27, 2017
PREP Program Manager, Garfield County PREP

I thought the really hard work had already been done. Three years ago, when I became the PREP Program Manager for Garfield County, Colorado, my predecessor had already gotten so many things accomplished. As impressive as her achievements were, however, it turns out that may have been the easy part!

Tags: Schools, Rural communities, Pregnancy prevention, School health, Sexual and reproductive health, Adolescent health

2. How School Mental Health Programs Can Help You Prevent Crises

By Alicia Rozum, MSW, PPSC | September 15, 2015
Project Director, Mental Health, California School-Based Health Alliance

Student mental health is a big concern among educators. Over 20% of youth have a diagnosed mental health disorder. Many classroom behavioral issues, such as acting out, poor self-regulation and attention issues, are related to mental health concerns.

Tags: K-12, Schools, Mental health, School mental health
By Alicia Rozum, MSW, PPSC

3. Grieving Children: An Essential Role for Schools

By David Schonfeld, MD | February 10, 2015
Director, National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement

Grief in children is real, powerful and common. Over the course of their school lives, 9 in 10 children will experience the death of a family member or close friend. One in 20 will lose a parent.

Think about this for a moment. Chances are that in almost every class, in every school throughout this country, there is at least one grieving student. Grief can have an impact on that student’s learning, school performance, social development and emotional health.

Schools have a unique and essential role to play in supporting grieving students. Some fairly simple interventions can help students navigate their experience more successfully and better manage school, friends, family and their own emotions. The newly introduced Coalition to Support Grieving Students offers schools and staff a rich set of resources to help them provide support that is both practical and meaningful.

Tags: K-12, Schools, Grief, Teachers
By David Schonfeld, MD

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