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There are 2 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Planned Parenthood".

1. A Great Year for Gratitude

By Dan McCormick, MHA | November 24, 2014

Gratitude. It’s one of those qualities most of us aim to cultivate in our lives, and something we have a chance to genuinely ponder at this time of year.

I asked our staff at a recent all-hands meeting, “What are you grateful for?” I learned that it’s been a great year for gratitude at ETR.

Tags: ETR, Planned Parenthood
By Dan McCormick, MHA

2. My Take: Using Digital Tools to Support Sexual Health

Leslie Kantor, MPH

If you work in sexual and reproductive health, you know that the world today is different from the world of only a few years ago. Changes in social media and the digital environment affect norms, risks and behaviors among young people. I’m Vice President of Education for Planned Parenthood, and our organization has some promising new tools that combine what’s known about effective sex education with what young people like to do online. They provide a model that can be helpful across a range of health issues.

Tags: Planned Parenthood, Teens, Social media, Technology, Sexual and reproductive health

Displaying: 1 - 2 of 2

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