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There are 6 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Organizational development".

1. May the Fourth Be With You: Did You Feel Resistance to Change When Star Wars Changed the Resistance?

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | May 3, 2018

Star Wars fans—this post is for you. And anyone exploring new partnerships—this post is also for you!

When the first teaser trailers for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens hit the internet in 2015, I was gleeful. More Star Wars! Yes, please.

But I must admit that I didn’t know how I’d feel about the new characters in the Star Wars movies.

Tags: Community partnerships, Star Wars, Organizational development, Healthy organization

2. Growing the Organization: Choosing a Distributed Workforce

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | April 3, 2018

ETR is a national organization—one with global aspirations. You might not have guessed this if you’d peeked in on one of our all-staff meetings a few years back. These were held in a single conference room, with a minority of our team joining from two smaller rooms at “satellite offices,” along with a few team members joining from home offices.

No longer!

Tags: Organizational development, Distributed workforce

3. Far and Away: Benefits of the Distributed Workforce

By Sue Potter, MS | November 28, 2017

I’m with the “away team.” For the last several years, I’ve been part of ETR’s Distributed Workforce. Roughly one in five staff are located away from our organization’s main offices in Scotts Valley, Oakland and Sacramento, California. You’ll find us in other regions of California and in other states across the country. I live in Boston.

It hasn’t always been easy being one of the remote staff. But we’re an organization that believes in continuous improvement. 

Tags: Organizational development, ETR staff, Distributed workforce

4. Being the Change: Succession Planning for Organizations

By Dharmit Shelat, MD, MPH | May 25, 2017
Graduate Assistant, Tulane University | 2017 Kirby Summer Intern, ETR

ETR recently hosted an exciting event in New Orleans. It was Be The Change: Implementing Core Strategies for Sustainable Organizations for Impact in the South.

The institute focused on sustaining HIV prevention programs in the southern regions of the U.S. This was my first introduction to ETR’s Community Impact Solutions Project. They offer tools, resources and technical assistance to help HIV prevention organizations perform at their best.

Tags: Community Impact Solutions Project, Organizational development, Transition, Kirby internship

5. A Nonprofit Storytelling Activity

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | August 27, 2015

Heard any good stories lately? Particularly about the work you do and the positive impact your organization has in the world?

Here at ETR, we’ve been thinking about these kinds of stories ever since we read Joan Singson’s blog post on Storytelling for Sustainability. We decided to do an all-staff activity where we explored some of the stories we have to tell about ETR’s work.

Tags: ETR, Storytelling, Organizational development
By Marcia Quackenbush

6. Creating a High-Vitality Organization That Embraces High-Velocity Change

By Dan McCormick, MHA | June 8, 2015

Have you noticed that the pace of change is accelerating? Of course! We all have. And we're hearing about it over and over, with greater and greater frequency. “Be agile.” “Pivot quickly.” “Re-invent yourself.”

But how do we put these slogans to work to improve our organizations?

I believe one of the best ways to successfully navigate today’s world of high-velocity change is to create and sustain high-vitality organizations.

Tags: Organizational development, Vitality, Innovation
By Dan McCormick, MHA

Displaying: 1 - 6 of 6

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