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There are 6 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Leadership".

1. We ARE the Demonstration: Professional Development by and for Transgender Communities

By JT Perez, Jahnell Butler, Tatyana Moaton & Camille Lewis | April 23, 2019
ETR Consultants; Prevention Educator, Alianza (JTP); Human Resources Manager for Howard Brown Health (TM); Translluminati Program Manager (CL)

How do we increase the effectiveness of High Impact HIV prevention? How do we reach the individuals and communities most at risk with strategies that work?

One of the most important steps we can take is to identify who those individuals and communities are, then engage their leaders to create and deliver prevention programs. Our group represents one approach to this strategy. 

Tags: LGBTQ, CISP, Empowerment, Professional development, Leadership, Transgender issues, High impact prevention, HIV prevention, HIV

2. Leadership in the Transgender Community: What Part Will You Play?

By Stacy Soria, MPA | June 14, 2018
Lead Consultant, Stacy Soria Consulting, LLC

We need to hear some stories. Then, through listening to these stories, we need to make some commitments. It’s time to join in the process of raising up a community. Whatever your role, your gender, your experience—this is my take-home message about leadership in the transgender community: you have a part to play.

Tags: LGBTQ, Mentoring, CISP, Transgender issues, Leadership, Professional development

3. Multiply the Good Through Your Leadership

By JT Perez | June 4, 2018
Transgender Advocate & Prevention Educator, Alianza of New Mexico

For some reason, I am seen as a leader. This isn’t something that comes naturally to me, but it’s a role I’ve done my best to step up to. I’ve received help in this effort from mentors, friends, community and family, and it’s made a world of difference to me.

Leadership is transformative. I’ve seen it change individuals, organizations and communities. It can save lives. It can lead the charge for social justice.

Tags: LGBTQ, LGBTQ youth, Transgender issues, CISP, Leadership

4. In Praise of the Science of Love

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | February 14, 2018

How’s your love life? Today is Valentine’s Day, so no surprise if your thoughts turn to romantic relationships. But I’m actually talking about a different kind of love at the moment—love related to leadership, mission and work.

Tags: Leadership, Gratitude, ETR
By Vignetta Charles, PhD

5. Situational Leadership: Awareness and Productivity

By BA Laris, MPH | September 2, 2016

The other day I was part of a group text that made me want to laugh, cry, celebrate and scream all at the same time. My 19-year-old son had shared a photo of his first day in his biology lecture hall. He included an estranged family member. I had once told him I wished this person was more integrated into “normal” family exchanges.

Once again, I found that my son has the uncanny ability to push me to grow and accept, challenge myself, and live my principles—more than any other person I have ever met personally or professionally.

And that brings me right to the point of this post: situational leadership.

Really Short Webinar: Situational Leadership
  • 15 Minutes in Focus series on diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • Thursday, September 8, 11:00-11:15 am PDT: Moving Beyond Static Leadership Styles: Making Conscious Decisions About Leading From a Strategic Perspective. Register here.
  • Check out our schedule, sign up for upcoming events and listen to archived webinars here.
Tags: Community Impact Solutions Project, Leadership, Webinar, Parenting
By B.A. Laris MPH

6. What Leadership Feels Like: 3 Lessons from Life

By Michael T. Everett, MHS | December 9, 2015

Two questions plague any responsible person in a position of authority: (1) Am I a good leader? and, (2) How am I to know?

I’ve had a few years to consider these questions myself, and they have taught me a good deal about leadership. I’d like to share three of the lessons leadership has brought to my own work and life. 

Tags: HIV-AIDS, Webinar, HIV, Leadership, Black MSM, Community Impact Solutions Project
By Michael T. Everett, MHS

Displaying: 1 - 6 of 6

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