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There are 9 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Equity".

1. Expectant & Parenting Youth: Greater Inclusivity + Less Stigma = Better Outcomes

By Taryn Gal, MPH, CPH, CHES and Brittany Batell, MPH, MSW  | August 28, 2019
Executive Director (TG) and Program and Engagement Manager (BB), MOASH

There has been an amazing push for greater inclusivity in sex education in recent years. The field offers programs that are more inclusive for LGBTQ+ youth, for survivors of trauma, and for youth with learning differences or developmental disabilities. We make these efforts because we are committed to creating a learning environment where all identities and choices are honored.

That’s why it’s also important for us to be sure we are creating welcoming, inclusive and effective sexuality education for expectant and parenting youth (EPY).

Tags: Stigma, Health equity, Equity, Young parents, Pregnancy prevention, Sexual and reproductive health

2. Indians Are Still Here: Three Things to Do If You Care About Equity and Social Justice

By Michael E. Bird (Kewa Pueblo/Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo)  | November 8, 2018
National Consultant on Native American/Alaskan Native Communities, AARP

A lot of good people are working on issues of equity and social justice. I’m happy to see that, and I’m grateful for the work. If you are one of them, I also have a challenge for you—one that probably won’t be comfortable. I’m asking you to do three things.

Tags: Equity, Social justice, Diversity and inclusion, Health equity

3. Losing the Phobia: HIV PrEP is Bridging the Serodivide

By Ifeoma Udoh, PhD | September 27, 2018

Access to PrEP is changing minds and behaviors. As an HIV prevention option, PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV) has provided individuals who may be at risk for HIV an important tool in the way they conceptualize choices about sex partners.

The practice of serosorting—selecting a sexual partner based on HIV status—has often been seen as either stigmatizing or divisive. However, PrEP is changing this practice among both older and younger men who have sex with men (MSM). I contributed to a just-published paper that demonstrates this in some persuasive ways.

Tags: Equity, Stigma, PrEP, HIV prevention, HIV
By Ifeoma Udoh, PhD

4. How to Go Beyond Equality to Achieve Equity

By Julie Potyraj, MPH | August 14, 2018
External Relations Manager for Content Marketing, 2U Inc

I have seen the power of health equity in my life as a woman living in the United States and as a public health professional working abroad in rural Zambia. Equity meets people where they are, and acknowledges that different problems require different solutions, depending on the context. 

Tags: Health equity, Equity

5. Who Has The Power? A Call for Black and Brown Leadership in Public Health

By Antwan Matthews, BS | July 31, 2018
SHARP Scholar, ETR and San Francisco Department of Public Health

I am Antwan Matthews, a native of Meridian, Mississippi, and recently graduated from Tougaloo College in Biology. This summer I have the privilege to serve as a scholar for the Summer HIV AIDS Research Program (SHARP), an NIH-funded initiative of the San Francisco Department of Public Health.    

I have an argument to offer about the ways we think about public health. 

Tags: Advocacy, Empowerment, Internship, Health equity, Equity

6. Making Information Accessible: New Section 508 Standards

ByTamara Neff, MA | July 26, 2018

One of our core values at ETR states, “We believe everyone should have the same access and opportunities in life.” This resonates with me deeply, as it directly connects to one of my personal tenets as an eLearning specialist and instructional designer: to provide quality learning experiences for everyone and anyone with a desire to learn. At ETR, I want people to easily find the valuable information and training we provide, and to be able to meaningfully apply it.

Tags: Health equity, Equity, Accessibility
By Tamara Neff, MA

7. Reflections, Connections, Enthusiasm and One Really Great Luncheon!

Emily Green, MA | July 24, 2018

ETR is a distributed workforce. This means we have four sites spread over three cities, along with a team of remote workers spread all over the country. This helps strengthen our ability to reach different populations and bring talented people on board who wouldn’t be able to commute to one of our physical offices.

If you work in the field of Equity and Inclusion in STEM, you’ll recognize this as a structural model that encourages greater diversity in a workforce.

Tags: Mentoring, Inspiration, Equity in tech, Equity
By Emily Green, MA

8. A Message From My Gay Brothers on National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

By Michael Everett, MHS | September 25, 2017

As we gear up for National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, I have a message for you from my gay brothers. That’s right. Not to them, but from us to you. We need your help! Yes, you!

For the last 30+ years, HIV has been instrumental in drawing attention to the experiences of gay men in the United States

Tags: National Gay Mens HIV-AIDS Awareness Day, HIV-AIDS, HIV, health equity, equity

9. Big Ideas at the Heart of Educational Equity: 5 Key Considerations

By Chris Harrison, EdD | August 24, 2017

“It is not taboo to fetch what is at risk of being left behind.”

 ~Sankofa, Akan tribe of Ghana


This is a true story. Picture, if you will, a young student “at-promise,” starting his first day of middle school. His name is Michael. He is excited about reconnecting with friends, meeting his new teachers and finding his way around his middle school.

But right after school begins Michael calls his mother and exclaims, “Mom, you have to come and get me because they have me in detention. They won’t let me go to class!”

Tags: K-12, educational equity, equity

Displaying: 1 - 9 of 9

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