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There are 29 item(s) tagged with the keyword "ETR".

1. Joining the Advisory Board of the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | September 17, 2019

Elizabeth Taylor started her AIDS activism in the late 1980’s. She was watching friends fall tragically ill from a preventable disease, and she wasn’t seeing an appropriate response. She leveraged her celebrity and her fierce determination and took action.

I actually have something in common with Elizabeth Taylor. 

Tags: Service, Activism, HIV-AIDS, HIV, ETR

2. Our Bold Adventure: ETR & YTH Team Up to Change the World

By Vignetta Charles, PhD & Bhupendra Sheoran, MD, MBA  | July 17, 2019

We are beyond thrilled about the recent merger of ETR and YTH. Of course, a huge amount of practical footwork needed to be done. There are challenges, some anticipated and some not. There is discovery and confusion. Adjustments must be made.

But when we take a moment, take a breath, and think about where we are and how we see the road ahead, our overarching feeling is…excitement!

Tags: Accessibility, Community partnerships, Collaboration, YTH Initiative, ETR

3. Growth Mindset and Our All-Staff Retreat: A Format That Makes a Difference

By Coleen Cantwell, MPH | June 21, 2019

ETR has brought considerable attention to creating a workplace culture that builds and sustains growth mindset over time. Our 2019 all-staff retreat offers a fine example of this. Our distributed workforce of 100 gathered for a full day in Santa Clara, CA, travelling from four worksites with co-located staff, and 25 remote locations across the nation.

Our retreats are not ordinary. They do not pay mere lip service to building organizational engagement. They do not bore. Neither do they entertain for a day and then take a break until next year.

Tags: Growth mindset, Staff retreat, ETR

4. Gratitude: Returning to Each Other

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | November 16, 2018

A poem by one of my favorite poets has been running through my head as we enter the holiday season. I have been overwhelmed with gratitude as I bear witness to people returning to each other, whether it’s mobilizing for those devastated in the California wildfires and supporting the firefighters still in harm’s way, or the continued global response to the #metoo movement. I am hopeful because I believe we can find peace when we find authentic connection and express our gratitude for that.

Tags: Gratitude, Inspiration, ETR staff, ETR

5. In Praise of the Science of Love

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | February 14, 2018

How’s your love life? Today is Valentine’s Day, so no surprise if your thoughts turn to romantic relationships. But I’m actually talking about a different kind of love at the moment—love related to leadership, mission and work.

Tags: Leadership, Gratitude, ETR
By Vignetta Charles, PhD

6. Yes, We Are Grateful

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | November 20, 2017

My six-year-old son came home from school during the first week of November with an assignment to ask his family what we’re thankful for this year. I immediately rattled off the names of ten people, starting with his name.

He jumped in and clarified, “It can’t be people. You have to be grateful for a non-people thing.” I paused and then quickly gave him my heartfelt answer that couldn’t be people (I’ll tell you later what it was). 

Tags: Partnerships, Gratitude, ETR
By Vignetta Charles, PhD

7. Welcome to Our New Chief Science Officer: Karin Coyle, PhD

By ETR | March 23, 2017

ETR’s Dr. Karin Coyle is stepping into a different role. She’s our new Chief Science Officer. This appointment has our entire Science Department looking to the future with excitement.

Tags: ETR

8. Being ETR's New CEO: To Boldly Go

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | February 23, 2017

I’m thrilled to be ETR’s new CEO. This is a job I’ve wanted for 19 years!

In 1998, I was Program Director of a teen pregnancy prevention program in Oakland, CA. I went to a training on Reducing the Risk (RTR), one of the best-known evidence-based programs in the field. It also happens to be a program ETR developed, evaluated and distributes.

Tags: ETR, Mission, Science
By Vignetta Charles, PhD

9. The Promise of Applied Research

By Beverly Iniguez-Conrique | November 21, 2016

I was three and a half years old on my first day of school. On that crisp September morning, my mother woke up early to dress me and walk me over to the local elementary school.

This was a special moment for my mom. She never had the chance to attend college or immerse herself in her education. 

Tags: Research, Education, ETR
By Beverly Iniguez-Conrique

10. Honoring Bob Keet

By Daniel McCormick, MHA | February 29, 2016

ETR is a lucky nonprofit, for all kinds of reasons. One of them is embodied in the character of a single individual—Robert Keet, MD. This man has been a continuously active—and consistently dynamic—member of ETR’s Board for the past 35 years.

Think about that for a moment. What were you doing 35 years ago? How many of those things are you still doing today? With the same people or organization? Especially commitments that involve obligations such as weekend-long meetings where you review finance reports, business plans, performance data, legal issues and strategic goals?

Yes, it takes a special person to do this kind of voluntary work. And it takes an extraordinary person to do so for one organization over such a span of time.

Tags: ETR
By Daniel McCormick

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 29

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