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There are 2 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Doug Kirby".

1. Kirby Summer Internship for 2015: Great Opportunity!

By ETR | November 14, 2014

Are you a graduate student in education, psychology, public health, epidemiology or a related field? Do you have a focus or interest in sexual and reproductive health? Do you work with graduate students in these fields?

It’s time to think about the 2015 Kirby Summer Internship!

ETR will be selecting 1-2 interns for the summer 2015 season. This internship offers a stipend and presents opportunities for mentored work in research syntheses, implementation programs, research methodology and more.  

Tags: Doug Kirby, Kirby internship, Research

2. What's Up, ETR - August 2014


We are happy to welcome new staffers Tamara Kuhn and Annika Shore. We are also pleased to announce the publication of a special issue of the international peer-reivewed journal Sex Education celebrating Doug Kirby's contributions to the field of adolescent sexual and reproductive health.

Tags: Doug Kirby, ETR

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