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There are 2 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Customer service".

1. Service: Sharing Back, Learning Forward

By Lilly Thomas | January 4, 2019

I have the brain of a sociologist. I’m interested in other people, in their day-to-day lives. I’m curious about how people live in different parts of the country—how they talk, what they eat, how they connect with one another.

I got my college degree in urban planning, which I call “sociology with solutions.” 

Tags: Service, Customer service, ETR products

2. Customer Service: A Point of Pride at ETR

By Karrie Bobby | August 2, 2018
Customer Service Representative, ETR

Thinking about calling ETR? You might talk to me. I’m one of the voices behind ETR’s Customer Service Department. The other day, a customer said I had a soothing voice. That was nice to hear.

Tags: ETR staff, Customer service
By Karrie Bobby

Displaying: 1 - 2 of 2

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