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There are 1 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Cognitive behavioral treatments".

1. Sleep Disorders in Veterans: Effective Non-Pharmacologic Treatments

By Allison Siebern, PhD, CBSM | October 1, 2015
Sleep Health Integrative Program, Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Fayetteville, NC

When I tell people that I’m a sleep psychologist, their first response is usually to tell me how they sleep. Sleeping is a universal process that everyone can relate to in one way or another. Because it is something we all do, there is little stigma or hesitation in discussing it openly.

One population that is greatly affected by sleep disruption is veterans. It is estimated that veterans are four times more likely to be affected by sleep issues than the general population. This is why I joined the Veterans Administration (VA) as a frontline provider. I love the field of sleep medicine and want to help veterans improve their sleep. 

Tags: Sleep, Veterans, Cognitive behavioral treatments
By Allison Siebern, PhD

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