There are 3 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Bullying".
By Teresa McGeeney, MS | January 24, 2018
Epidemiologist, REACH Evaluation
I am a suicide prevention researcher. One of my early experiences in the field ultimately led me to a powerful conclusion. When schools (1) put effective, evidence-based anti-bullying polices in place, (2) make sure students know how to report bullying, and (3) ensure responses to these reports are perceived by students to be effective, schools are likely to see fewer suicide attempts among their students.
By ETR | December 5, 2014
If you’re ready for some powerful and illuminating video viewing, take a look at the TED Bullying Playlist. Four speakers and one heart-lifting musical performance will give you new insights and more than a few moments of reflection.
There are lots of opportunities for student projects using these videos. Review videos before sharing with your students to be sure the content is appropriate—there are some adult themes and a couple of instances of profanity.
An article in the Journal of Pediatric Health Care offers a review of current literature on cyberbullying, including the particular features of this type of bullying, and how it affects victims. It describes the epidemiology (1 in 4 adolescents in the southern U.S. reported being a victim), identifies characteristics that increase risk for being a target, and explains what technologies are used most often. The article also offers an impressive list of resources for gathering more information and helping schools, communities, families and individuals.
Check it out here (may require free registration). >>
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