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There are 3 item(s) tagged with the keyword "ATOD".

1. Working with Tribal Leaders, Reaching Out to Tribal Youth: Tobacco Prevention in Indian Country

By Jennifer Geisler | September 24, 2019

Tobacco prevention in Indian Country is different. Every tribe is unique, and programs need to be tailored tribe by tribe. California has 109 tribal nations, so keeping programs relevant to each tribe is a big task. Respect for elders and commitment to youth play a vital role in any of our tobacco-related messaging. It is also important to acknowledge and honor the role of sacred tobacco in tribal life.

In California, we have an exciting new state tobacco prevention grant that addresses these issues. 

Tags: Tribal nations, Youth, Tobacco prevention, Tribal communities, ATOD

2. Advocating for Health: 2019 Capitol Information & Education Days

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA | July 10, 2019

We are natural advocates, those of us in the public health world. We talk to our children about tobacco. We encourage our family members to use sunscreen. We work every day to promote the health of our communities. Educating our elected representatives is a logical next step, given the advocacy we practice every day of our lives.

ETR’s ATOD team (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs) recently participated in California’s Capitol Information & Education (I&E) Days. 

Tags: Flavored tobacco products, Tobacco prevention, Tobacco, Advocacy, ATOD

3. Don't Be Tricked by These Treats: Make Smart Choices About Edible Marijuana

By Laura Perkins, MLS | October 25, 2018
Editor, ETR

With cannabis legalized for recreational use in some places, people have questions about all the new products available, especially edibles. If marijuana is legal, it’s safe to use, right? How much of an edible can you eat? ETR has new materials to help people understand how to make smarter decisions. See our fact card here, and our poster here.

Tags: ATOD, Marijuana, ETR products
By Laura Perkins, MLS

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