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A Team Approach to Data Collection and Evaluation Planning

A Team Approach to Data Collection and Evaluation Planning

By ETR | July 18, 2016
Note: We’re posting about some of the presentations ETR researchers and professional development specialists are offering at the Office of Adolescent Health Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grantee Conference July 19-21.

“Evaluations don’t happen in isolation,” say ETR researchers Pam Drake, PhD and BA Laris, MPH. Programs need to involve developers, administrators, implementers and evaluators to come up with an evaluation plan that will produce meaningful results.


On Wednesday, July 20, they’ll be presenting a poster on A Team Approach to Data Collection and Evaluation Planning. “It’s important to think about both big-scope and smaller questions,” they explain. Factors to keep in mind include:

  • Creating effective logic model as the foundation of the program
  • Linking the goals and objectives of the program to the evaluation
  • Allocating resources to address multiple program priorities
  • Incorporating program participant satisfaction
  • Developing realistic and effective workplans to address the scope of work
BA Laris, MPH and Pamela Drake, Phd. A Team Approach to Data Collection and Evaluation Planning. Wednesday, 7/20/16, 3:30-5:00 p.m. Poster #209 in the Evaluation Section, East Foyer of the Key Ballroom.

The take home? “To answer your program evaluation questions, you need a clear and comprehensive understanding of the problem and the resources,” Pam and BA affirm. “It is critical to involve multiple perspectives from diverse stakeholders.” If you’re at the conference, stop by their poster session to discuss strategies for building buy-in for team evaluation planning, as well as how to plan both process and outcome evaluations.

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