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Get Real Curriculum Now on the OAH List of Evidence-Based Programs

Get Real Curriculum Now on the OAH List of Evidence-Based Programs

By Suzanne Schrag | February 6, 2015
Product Manager, ETR

Once again, the Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works program is a hot news topic in the world of teen pregnancy prevention.

Back in November, we wrote about ETR's collaboration with Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM) in publishing Get Real

Then, in December, Jen Slonaker, PPLM's Vice President of Education and Training, talked about Evidence, Sex Ed and the Real World, describing how this comprehensive sex ed curriculum was developed, the importance of the family-involvement component, and the impressive evaluation results.

Now, we're thrilled to announce that Get Real has been officially added to the Office of Adolescent Health's list of Evidence-Based Programs for teen pregnancy prevention. This means the program can be used for teen pregnancy prevention programs funded by OAH, and prospective OAH grantees have access to this comprehensive sexuality education program for middle school students with demonstrated results in helping teens delay sex.

Get Real gives young people access to the information and tools they need to develop into sexually healthy adults, and supports parents as the primary sexuality educators of their children with family activites that encourage parent-teen communication.

It's exciting to be able to offer this exemplary program to the field and to add it to the growing list of evidence-based programs on ETR's Evidence-Based Program Center website. 

Read more about Get Real >>

See PPLM's Press Release about the program >>

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