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Facilitation Quick Tips: I Resolve

Facilitation Quick Tips: I Resolve

By Debra Christopher, MSM | January 3, 2017

How will participants change their approach to their work, given what they’ve learned in their training? This group activity combines thoughtful reflection with an opportunity to state intentions. A handshake, virtual or real-life, seals the deal!

Title: I Resolve

Setting: Appropriate for in-person events and adaptable for live virtual events.

Time: 15 minutes

Purpose: To promote recall and to motivate participants to take action by making their intentions for change public.

Best Used: At the culmination of a professional learning event to reinforce action steps.


  1. Introduce the activity. Invite participants to spend a few minutes on their own reviewing the training materials and their notes. Based on what they have learned during the session, ask them to identify one or two changes they will make in how they approach their work. Ask participants to jot these down, beginning their statement with the sentence stem “I resolve…”
  2. Break into pairs. Once all participants have completed that task, ask them to find a partner (or use a creative process you like for partnering participants).
  3. Have partners share their resolutions. Instruct partners to take turns sharing what they plan to change, then identifying steps they will take to create the change(s). Ask that they begin their turn by saying “I resolve...”
  4. Ask participants to seal the deal. As partners finish up their conversations, ask them to shake on it. Explain that the handshakes are their contracts to follow through on their resolutions.


Here are some ideas that can enrich and/or extend this activity.

Set Up a Follow Up

Ask participants to exchange email or phone numbers and resolve to connect one month after the event. They can call, email or text to check on one another’s progress.

Infuse Movement

Movement helps the brain wake up and learn more efficiently. Consider using a movement-based strategy for the “find a partner” segment (play funky music and have people dance across the room to find a partner; ask people to take three giant steps away from where they’re standing and then find a partner).

You could also have participants take a walk while sharing their plans and resolutions.

Using the Activity in Live Virtual Events

Use the functions available on your online meeting system to partner participants, or adapt the activity and use small groups. Use a virtual handshake to seal the deal.

Debra Christopher, MSM, is Director of Professional Learning Services at ETR.

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