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Facilitation Quick Tips: Phrase Craze

Facilitation Quick Tips: Phrase Craze

By Debra Christopher, MSM | January 15, 2015

Here’s an activity that helps training participants consolidate learning. It actually activates and strengthens neurological connections, increasing participants’ ability to hold key concepts in long-term memory. Quick and engaging.

Title: Phrase Craze


  • To consolidate content and summarize key points during or at the culmination of a learning event. This process activates and strengthens neurological connections and increases the learner’s capacity to hold key concepts in long-term memory.
  • To allow learners to hear and consider other points of view.
  • To provide feedback for the facilitator.

Best Used:

At the culmination of a training segment or the end of training.


1.   Phrase strips (see Step 1, below).

2.   Envelopes or containers to hold strips (see Step 2, below).


  1. Create phrase strips. Make strips of paper with sentence stems linked to the learning objectives of the training. Use one sentence step per strip. Examples:

I learned or re-learned that  . . .

I was reminded that . . .

I want to try . . .

I was surprised by . . .

I still have questions about . . .

My greatest challenge will be . . .

I will apply this content to my work by . . .

  1. Put phrases in envelopes or containers. Place a set of the sentence stems in envelopes, baskets, or bowls. Place one container at each participant table, or give one container to each group of 4–6 participants.
  2. Describe the exercise. Give the table groups the following instructions:
  • Each group member chooses one strip of paper from the container.
  • Take one minute to think about your answer individually.
  • Then, take turns in your group sharing your phrases and responses.
  1. Process with the large group. After all small groups have had a chance to discuss their phrases and answers, bring the large group back together. Ask for any questions, ah-ha’s or insights from the activity.

Debra Christopher, MSM, is Director of Professional Learning Systems at ETR.


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