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Taking Off to #ythlive 2015

Taking Off to #ythlive 2015

By Pamela Anderson, PhD | April 23, 2015

Hi everyone! My colleagues and I are excited about the upcoming conference YTH Live: Igniting Youth Tech Health Innovation. It’s taking place this Sunday through Tuesday (April 26–28) at the Hotel Kabuki in San Francisco, and we’ve got some thought-provoking presentations on the schedule.

Flipped Classrooms & Blended Learning

Do you know what a flipped-classroom blended-learning approach is? My colleagues Karin Coyle and Regina Firpo-Triplett can tell you all about it on Sunday, April 26th,, during their presentation entitled “Flipping and Blending! Adapting a Teen Evidence-Based Sexual Health Curriculum for the Digital Age.” Come learn about how technology is disrupting traditional learning environments for the better.

Electronic Dating Violence

Ever wondered who youth are texting and what they are saying? Technology allows for youth to be constantly connected, which also exposes them to risks of victimization at any time and in any place. An emerging area of research related to teen dating violence that is gaining more attention is electronic dating violence (EDV)—the use of technology to facilitate behaviors intended to harass, manipulate, embarrass or threaten a romantic partner.  Come learn more about this emerging phenomenon on Monday, April 27th, when Karin Coyle and I present some of our latest data on electronic dating abuse.

We’re looking forward to meeting our colleagues and partners in the field, so please come to our sessions and say hello. See you in San Francisco!

Pamela Anderson, PhD, is a Senior Research Associate at ETR.

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