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Seasoned Trainer Seeking Transformative Experience

Seasoned Trainer Seeking Transformative Experience

By Annika Shore, MPH | June 1, 2015

Are you a trainer, professional development provider or sexuality educator? Do you deliver trainings for educators on evidence-based adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs (EBPs)? Then we’re looking for you!


ETR is offering it’s research-based Training of Trainers—Evidence-Based Programs this coming September 15–18. This training provides an opportunity for you to become skilled in delivering Trainings of Educators for one of these three programs: Draw the Line/Respect the Line (DTL/RTL), Reducing the Risk (RTR) or Becoming a Responsible Teen (BART). 

New Energy, Understanding & Skill

The training will help you bring a new level of energy, understanding and skill to your work. It offers ways to transform and renew your educator trainings with evidence-based best practices. It provides guidance for some of the challenges that inevitably arise in this work.

We’ll be meeting in the beautiful and now smoke-free city of New Orleans. This is going to be an incredible professional development experience, and we hope you’ll consider attending.

A Step Above

The training is designed specifically for experienced trainers. It’s based on the latest research on teaching and learning. It’s going to be rigorous and interactive. And it’s going to be exhilarating and fun. Here are some of the evaluation comments we’ve from previous participants:

  • “This is, by far, the best training I have ever attended.”
  • “The way the ETR team worked together inspired me and elevated my standard of practice.”
  • “This training took me far beyond my expectations.”

Participants who successfully complete the training will receive an ETR TOT Certificate of Completion. This authorizes you to conduct Training of Educator events using the ETR training design in your affiliate area. You’ll be approved and eligible to train on one of three ETR-published evidence-based programs—Draw the Line/Respect the Line, Reducing the Risk, or Becoming a Responsible Teen.

You’ll also have a chance to interact with colleagues from across the country doing this important work in a variety of settings.

This is a truly extraordinary opportunity. We’d love to see you there.

For more information, check the Training of Trainers—Evidence-Based Programs website, or call me directly at 360-888-3005.

Annika Shore, MPH, serves as a professional development consultant with ETR. In that role, she provides evidence-based professional development and technical support to HIV, STD and pregnancy prevention initiatives across the country, and supports all aspects of ETR’s professional learning services.

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