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Eclipse Day: Welcome to the Enchanted World of Science

Eclipse Day: Welcome to the Enchanted World of Science

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | August 21, 2017

Are you going to watch? It seems like almost everyone in the nation is anticipating today’s total solar eclipse.

In a time when we’re seeing so much divisiveness in our country, people of all perspectives are coming together to share this inspiring experience. That’s powerful.

Folks are excited. They’re talking with neighbors and colleagues, passing around eclipse glasses, organizing viewing parties. As we connect to share this experience, we are being elevated and enlightened. It’s bringing out some of the best in us.

It’s Science

And here’s something else that’s impressive about the process: it’s science. It’s the magnificence of celestial bodies responding to the laws of the universe—gravity, orbits and transits, light. Citizens all across the land are using science to prepare for this marvel.

And this brings me back to one of the reasons science is a core value here at ETR. Science makes a difference. It helps us learn more to enlighten ourselves. It gives us data to develop remedies for the things that trouble our populations and our environment. It informs our never-ending quest to understand, to act wisely and to transform for the better.

Please join me in celebrating this special day—the grand occurrence of a total solar eclipse, along with the extraordinary vision of Americans joining together to celebrate the power and wonder of science.

Vignetta Charles, PhD, is Chief Executive Officer of ETR. She will be watching the eclipse in Oakland, California, which will see about 80% totality.

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