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Celebrate! Restore! Connect!

Celebrate! Restore! Connect!

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | December 19, 2017

ETR values Workplace Wellness—and a way to live those values is to ensure that our incredibly hardworking team takes a well-deserved break for the holidays. We close down December 23 and open again January 2, 2018. As we come upon our annual all-staff mini-sabbatical, I’d like to share three wishes from ETR to you.

First, we hope you are given wonderful ways to celebrate these holidays. No matter what you celebrate, or even if you do not celebrate anything, may you find a way to enjoy the merriment around you. Somewhere along the way, may you have a chance to light a candle or contemplate a star, laugh with a child or pet, or share some food you love. (I’ve got some excellent chocolate waiting for me!)

Second, we hope you find ways to restore your heart and soul. Whether it’s being with family, soaking in the outdoors, reading a favorite book or finding a moment of solitude, may you have an opportunity to breathe deep, relax well and know you are in a good place.

Third, we hope you find ways to connect with others—friends, family, neighbors, and folks of good will wherever you go. What an excellent time to reflect on what is positive about our fields of focus, the lives we have chosen, and that which is good in people’s hearts.

And Boldly Forward…

I hope these three wishes come true for you, and that you’ll enter 2018 with a refreshed determination to make a difference. There has never been a more important time for us to stand together, connect with the good, and change the world.

I’m looking forward to seeing you in 2018!

Vignetta Charles, PhD, is Chief Executive Officer of ETR.

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