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ETR Blog

Check out what our people and partners are researching, thinking, reading, writing, watching and doing! (Note: The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ETR as an agency.)

Getting Ready to Climb Again: Here Comes the Kirby Summit
May 15, 2017

Getting Ready to Climb Again: Here Comes the Kirby Summit

By ETR | May 15, 2017

Later this week, ETR will be hosting Year 2 of the Kirby Summit. This extraordinary event brings together national experts in adolescent development, developmental neuroscience and sexual and reproductive health. 

Last year’s goal was to explore the unique intersection between these fields and discover new ways to understand sexual health and risk for adolescents. 

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Tags: Kirby summit, Developmental neuroscience, Sexual and reproductive health, Adolescents, Adolescent health
Gender Differences in Math Ability: What's the Science Say?
April 25, 2017

Gender Differences in Math Ability: What's the Science Say?

By Katrina Hunter | April 25, 2017
Research Assistant, ETR

I was in a college calculus course. We were learning how to use quadrants and angles to solve functions.

People can either solve the function visually, or by calculating out their answer. As we were going through different problems, I was using the visual method to solve the function. My instructor commented that it was good that I could solve the equation that way, and that it was rare for women to be able to visualize the solutions. 

By Katrina Hunter
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Tags: Research, Education research, STEM equity, STEM education, STEM, Gender, math education
How Teaching Helped Me Be a Better Researcher
March 30, 2017

How Teaching Helped Me Be a Better Researcher

By Emily Green, MA | March 30 2017
Research Assistant, ETR

There is something about being a teacher that you carry with you, even if you transition to something else. I didn’t expect to become a K-12 science teacher, but I loved doing it. Now, I find myself being a teacher in everything I do. It gets into your blood. It changes the way you think. And I cannot thank my students enough for changing me in this way.

By Emily Green, MA
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Tags: Research, Science, Science education, Special needs students, math education
New Media, Old Themes: Sexualization in Children's TV Shows
March 28, 2017

New Media, Old Themes: Sexualization in Children's TV Shows

By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD | March 28, 2017
Senior Research Associate, ETR

TV is not what it used to be. Over the past decade, we have seen a range of new methods of content delivery (Netflix, AmazonVideo, Hulu), new ways of watching (bingeing on favorites, catching short segments on YouTube, checking out cute kittens suggested by friends on Facebook), and new ways of calculating ratings.

Unfortunately, although television platforms have clearly modernized over time, television themes and stereotypes around gender and sexuality have not. 

By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD
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Tags: Research, Media, Television, Young children
Welcome to Our New Chief Science Officer: Karin Coyle, PhD
March 23, 2017

Welcome to Our New Chief Science Officer: Karin Coyle, PhD

By ETR | March 23, 2017

ETR’s Dr. Karin Coyle is stepping into a different role. She’s our new Chief Science Officer. This appointment has our entire Science Department looking to the future with excitement.

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Tags: ETR
Affirmative Consent: Changing Norms
March 16, 2017

Affirmative Consent: Changing Norms

By Gina Lepore, MEd | March 16, 2017
Research Associate, ETR

 “Everything is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.”

This saying is usually credited to Oscar Wilde, probably erroneously, but I love it anyway! It brings home an essential truth. When we talk about norms related to sex and sexual consent, we are often actually talking about norms related to power.

Note: Gina Lepore is lead author on ETR’s recently released supplement, Teaching Affirmative Consent: Practical Guidelines to Increase Student UnderstandingThis post is adapted from background material for educators that will be included in the new supplement.

By Gina Lepore, MEd
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Tags: Affirmative consent, Sexual and reproductive health, Sexual assault prevention, Adolescent health, Sexual violence prevention
Ambassadors of Science: Helping Others Understand a Science-Based Framework
February 21, 2017

Ambassadors of Science: Helping Others Understand a Science-Based Framework

By Janine Saunders, EdD, MPH | February 21, 2017
Program Manager, ETR

Neil deGrasse Tyson famously said, "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it." During this time of fake news and alternative facts, promoting science-based approaches is more important than ever. If you’re like me, you encounter people every day who, knowingly or unknowingly, are making decisions based on false information. 

By Janine Saunders, EdD, MPH
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Tags: Science, Science-based framework, Evidence, School health, School health education
Addressing and Preventing Cyberbullying and Online Harm
February 9, 2017

Addressing and Preventing Cyberbullying and Online Harm

By Pamela Anderson, PhD | February 9, 2017
Senior Research Associate, ETR

I’m having a sentimental parent moment. Our three-year-old is looking at the iPad. She is trying to defy gravity by watching her show upside down. The iPad falls on her face. She falls off the couch and hits the floor.

Our almost-seven-year-old immediately sprints over to help and console her sister. 

By Pamela Anderson, PhD
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Tags: Research, Technology, Cyberbullying, Electronic dating violence, Online trafficking, Children, Teens
Disrupting What You Think You Know: Sex and the Teen Brain
December 19, 2016

Disrupting What You Think You Know: Sex and the Teen Brain

By Karin Coyle, PhD | December 19, 2016
Senior Research Associate, ETR

ETR is delighted to announce the release of our report on the 2016 Kirby Summit. If you work with adolescents to address sexual and reproductive health, I strongly encourage you to check it out.

Here’s why. We deliberately designed this invited Summit to challenge and disrupt what we thought we knew about adolescent health behaviors.

Report on the 2016 Kirby Summit

Peterson AJ, Coyle KK, Guinosso SA, Christopher DE, and Charles VE. Sex and the teen brain: Disrupting what we think we know. Scotts Valley, CA: ETR Associates, 2016. 

By Karin Coyle, PhD
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Tags: Research, Kirby Summit, Adolescents, Risk reduction, Neurodevelopment, Sexual and reproductive health, Neuroscience
Reflections On the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey
December 13, 2016

Reflections On the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey

By BA Laris, MPH | December 13, 2016
Research Associate, ETR | Personal pronouns: She, her, hers

We were excited for the much-anticipated release of The National Center for Transgender Equality’s new 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey Report

By B.A. Laris, MPH
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Tags: Transgender, Social justice, Research
The Promise of Applied Research
November 21, 2016

The Promise of Applied Research

By Beverly Iniguez-Conrique | November 21, 2016
Research Assistant, ETR

I was three and a half years old on my first day of school. On that crisp September morning, my mother woke up early to dress me and walk me over to the local elementary school.

This was a special moment for my mom. She never had the chance to attend college or immerse herself in her education. 

By Beverly Iniguez-Conrique
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Tags: Research, Education, ETR
Global Determinants in Adolescent Childbearing: Powerful New Study on Social Determinants
November 15, 2016

Global Determinants in Adolescent Childbearing: Powerful New Study on Social Determinants

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | November 15, 2016
Chief Science Officer, ETR

ETR is thrilled to see a new article, just released today. It is published by our close colleague, Dr. John Santelli, and his team at Columbia Mailman School of Public Health. The Santelli team’s comprehensive work demonstrates that when we narrow income inequality and increase opportunities for education, we positively affect youth health and wellbeing. The study explicitly links increases in investment in education to declines in teen childbearing.

Santelli JS, Song X, Garbers S, Sharma V, Viner RM (2016). Global trends in adolescent fertility, 1990-2012, in relation to national wealth, income inequalities, and educational expenditures. Journal of Adolescent Health. In press. Published online (15 November 2016).

By Vignetta Charles, PhD
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Tags: Sexual and reproductive health, Social determinants of health, Pregnancy prevention, Adolescent health, Global issues
Spreading the Message: Dual Contraceptive Method Use Among Teens
November 4, 2016

Spreading the Message: Dual Contraceptive Method Use Among Teens

By ETR | November 4, 2016

Two heads are better than one! It’s an old but familiar adage. We have an updated version we’d like to suggest: two contraceptives are better than one.

ETR researchers have just published an article in The Journal of Primary Prevention that examines the frequency of dual contraceptive use among youth in alternative schools. Information about this population is particularly important because they are more likely than other youth to engage in risky sexual behaviors. To date, there has been no research examining dual use contraception in this group.

Coyle, K.C., Peterson, A.J., Franks, H.M., Anderson, P.M., Glassman, J.R. (2016). Dual contraceptive method use among youth in alternative schools. The Journal of Primary Prevention 37(5). Published online October 31, 2016.

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Tags: Contraception, Dual use contraception, Alternative school youth, Sexual and reproductive health, Pregnancy prevention, STD prevention
New Trends in Gay Male Relationships: The Choices Study
November 2, 2016

New Trends in Gay Male Relationships: The Choices Study

By Lanz Lowen, MS, MA and Blake Spears, MBA | November 2, 2016
Senior Consultant, The Mandana Group and Independent Healthcare Consultant

What are the relationships of young gay men like today? It can be surprisingly difficult to answer this question with confidence. Little research is being done on gay male couples—how they build and sustain their relationships, what they think about monogamy and marriage, what they believe about the attitudes of their peers.

This year, we completed our Choices study, which focused on gay men ages 18-40 and explored attitudes and practices about monogamy and marriage.

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Tags: Gay men, Romantic relationships, MSM

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