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Facilitation Quick Tips: Drop Us a Line!
April 16, 2015

Facilitation Quick Tips: Drop Us a Line!

By Annika Shore, MPH | April 16, 2015
Professional Development Consultant, ETR

This upbeat activity has some of the best elements for any training—movement, music and conversation. It engages brains, energizes participants and helps them personalize the learning.

By Annika Shore, MPH
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Tags: Training design, Professional development, Facilitation
Bringing the Sharing Economy to Sex Ed Teacher Training
April 13, 2015

Bringing the Sharing Economy to Sex Ed Teacher Training

By Rebekah Saul Butler, MBA, MPH | April 13, 2015
Co-Executive Director/The Grove Foundation

My business school marketing professor once said, “The airlines need to think more like a taxi.” Get people where they need to go when they want to go, and make it easy to get there.

As a frequent business traveler, I’ve often thought of those words while stranded in an airport or waiting for everyone in front of me to get their bags down and exit the aircraft. Air travel feels impersonal—like it’s designed to be convenient for the airlines, not the flier. And the industry hasn’t made much progress in 15 years.

I can’t say I’m any more enamored with the taxi industry. I’ve recently started using a ridesharing app and can understand perfectly why the sector is growing exponentially. And what’s this got to do with sexuality education?

I’d like to see sexuality education teacher training become more like a modern ridesharing business: technology based, customer centric and widely accessible.

By Rebekah Saul Butler, MBA, MPH
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Tags: Training design, Sexual and reproductive health, STD prevention, Professional development
School Report: Flexing the Plan
April 9, 2015

School Report: Flexing the Plan

By John Henry Ledwith | April 9, 2015
National Sales Manager, ETR

I never cease to be amazed at the skill and art of fine teaching. Here’s a story I heard last week from a high school teacher I know.

Students were coming into her classroom at the beginning of the period. Two young men started talking about a fight that occurred the night before between a couple of their peers. They took different sides on the fight.

Their talk was assertive, then challenging, then trash. Racial epithets were tossed back and forth. Other students started joining in and the entire situation was escalating.

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Tags: K-12, Health education, School health, Teachers
Say "Yes" with Enthusiasm! Exploring Affirmative Consent
April 6, 2015

Say "Yes" with Enthusiasm! Exploring Affirmative Consent

By Robin Mills, MA | April 6, 2015
Sexual Health Education Coordinator, U.C. Berkeley University Health Services Tang Center

While the term “affirmative consent” is fairly new, the concept most certainly is not.

Back in 2005, I was working at Planned Parenthood. I went to a health fair where a group called Coalition for Positive Sexuality was distributing purple mini-booklets called “Just Say Yes.” I thought, “Wow. That’s awesome. What a super positive way of thinking. I like it.”

I took a quick peek inside the booklet (since I was supposed to be working) and was hooked immediately. There it was, printed in black and white for all the world to read: messaging to young adults encouraging them to say “yes” to the sex they want, and “no” to the sex they don’t want! It was amazing!

By Robin Mills, MA
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Tags: Affirmative consent, Sexual and reproductive health, College, Health promotion, Sex education, Young adults
Inspiration and Evangelism
April 2, 2015

Inspiration and Evangelism

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | April 2, 2015
Senior Editor, ETR

What inspires you in your work? I often ask this about our tribe—this group of people making the front-line effort in the world of health education and promotion.

I think most of us love working for a mission. And I also think that for most people, the work sometimes gets tedious or challenging.

That’s why I totally LOVE this video by ETR’s Digital Solutions Manager, Kieren Jameson. 

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES
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Tags: Technology, Technology education, Inspiration, Diversity in technology
Learning Matters: The What, Why and WOW of Effective Professional Development
March 31, 2015

Learning Matters: The What, Why and WOW of Effective Professional Development

By Debra Christopher, MSM | March 31, 2015
Director, Professional Learning Systems, ETR

Are you a learning specialist? A teacher, trainer or technical assistance provider? In other words, are you charged with teaching people to do something they have never done before? Or do something differently? Or do something better? If so, I hope you will read on.

Understanding the What, Why and WOW of effective professional development is going to help you do better in your work.

By Debra Christopher, MSM
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Tags: Professional development, Training design, Learning theory, Adult learning
Say It Loud & Clear: Yes Means Yes!
March 27, 2015

Say It Loud & Clear: Yes Means Yes!

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | March 27, 2015
Senior Editor, ETR

ETR is thrilled to be offering our new “Yes Means Yes!” poster. This upbeat, positive product tells the big-picture story of affirmative consent in a remarkably brief 51 words. The image is eye-catching, the poster is clear and the whole package really works. It gets the message out.

As a health education writer myself, I can attest to the care, time and skill that goes into this kind of work. It’s easier to write a 10,000-word book chapter than an effective 800-word pamphlet. Health education posters are even more demanding. They’re like the haiku of the field. I applaud our Product Development team for their extraordinary skill in choosing exactly the right 51 words.

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES
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Tags: New products, Sexual and reproductive health, Violence prevention, Affirmative consent
Enabling Young People to Thrive: ETR's Program Success Framework
March 25, 2015

Enabling Young People to Thrive: ETR's Program Success Framework

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | March 25, 2015
Senior Editor, ETR

ETR's got a great video collection. In brief, lively clips, our staff and partners talk about the work we do—products, services and research findings. You can watch them on the "Videos" tab or at the ETR YouTube channel. One of my current favorites describes ETR's Program Success Framework.


By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES
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Tags: Program Success Framework, Sustaining programs, Pregnancy prevention, Youth programs, Sexual and reproductive health
Boosting STEM Education: Addressing a National Imperative
March 23, 2015

Boosting STEM Education: Addressing a National Imperative

By David Yeung, MBA | March 23, 2015
Manager of Strategy & Business Development, ETR

At ETR, we tackle challenges that are increasingly complex and interconnected, transcending traditionally defined boundaries. We are passionate about solving issues that are difficult and sometimes deep rooted. We want to discover solutions that have meaningful impact for individuals and communities.

In order for us to deliver on that mission, we must embrace different backgrounds, perspectives and disciplines. This is why I am proud to welcome to ETR a diverse and talented team of fulltime MBA students from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.

They are going to help us discover solutions to some very complex issues!

By David Yeung, MBA
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Tags: Ross MAP, Technology education
Facilitation Quick Tips: Comic Power!
March 19, 2015

Facilitation Quick Tips: Comic Power!

By Kathy Plomer, MPH | March 19, 2015
DASH Professional Learning Collaborative, ETR

This is a great activity to kick off a session. It gets people talking, laughing and sharing experiences related to the training topic. It’s fast and fun.

By Kathy Plomer, MPH
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Tags: Professional development, Training design
"There Is an American Indian Working in This Section!" - Honoring National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 17, 2015

Honoring National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

By Karen L. Parker-Simons | March 17, 2015
Health Education Coordinator, Florida Department of Health

I began working in HIV/AIDS Prevention in February 2007. At the time I had never heard of World AIDS Day, never mind National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. That first year it slipped by me without my catching it.

But, by 2008, I finally knew about it. National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is something very special. This wasn’t just another awareness day for which I would have to think up events. No, this day spoke TO me—it was ABOUT me! I am an American Indian from the Dumna/Kechayi Yokuts Tribe of California. Not only could I loudly proclaim to everyone in my Department, “Hey! Know what? There is an American Indian working in this section!” I could also take a very important message to the communities I knew and loved. 

By Karen L. Parker-Simons
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Tags: National Native HIV-AIDS Awareness Day, HIV-AIDS, Tribal nations, Community Impact Solutions Project
It's Brain Awareness Week!
March 16, 2015

It's Brain Awareness Week!

By Debra Christopher, MSM | March 16, 2015
Director, Professional Learning Systems, ETR

What’s all the buzz about the brain?

The brain is our personal 3-pound universe. This small but powerful mass of neurons in your head allows you to read these words, comprehend their meaning, and, if you choose, integrate the meaning into long-term memory.

You may even decide to take some kind of action based on the content. Or, at any point in time, you may choose to scroll past this segment, even this entire column, if there is no cognitive “hook” for you.

All this in a matter of seconds. Astounding!

By Debra Christopher, MSM
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Tags: Neuroscience, Professional development, Learning theory
Impact for Change: ETR's Training & Technical Assistance for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs
March 16, 2015

Impact for Change: ETR's Training & Technical Assistance for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs

By Annika Shore, MPH, & Amy Peterson, MSc | March 16, 2015
Professional Development Consultant, ETR & Project Coordinator, ETR

A well-designed professional development (PD) plan (training, technical assistance, ongoing support) provides the foundation for program tranformation and impact! In fact, our organization, founded 35 years ago, began with a training grant for teen pregnancy prevention programs.

While we have expanded into other areas since then, PD remains a fundamental component of ETR’s work. It’s one of the most important ways we support our clients and maintain our own culture of continuous learning. Our professional learning services are rooted in the belief that learning takes place over time. We view PD not as a one-time training event, but a process that occurs before and throughout the implementation stage.

By Annika Shore, MPH, & Amy Peterson, MSc
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Tags: Professional development, Program Success Framework, Sustaining programs, Pregnancy prevention, Teens
HIV Treatment: Keeping People in Care
March 12, 2015

HIV Treatment: Keeping People in Care

By BA Laris, MPH | March 12, 2015
Research Associate, ETR

In recent years, there has been a major shift in the way we approach HIV treatment and prevention. Research has shown (for example, see Gardner’s 2011 report here; and the background here) that we will have our greatest impact when we focus on two major steps.

  1. Locate individuals at greatest risk for HIV and motivate them to get tested.
  2. Connect with individuals who have HIV and provide support for them to start and stay in HIV-related medical treatment.

These are deceptively simple prescriptions. But if you work in HIV care and treatment settings, you know there are a myriad of physical, social and emotional issues that can make it difficult for people to stay engaged in continuous treatment. This challenge is one that our Community Impact Solutions team addresses in our work providing capacity building for community-based organizations. We develop strategies and deliver coaching and support to strengthen HIV programs. Our approaches are both research proven and real-world practical.

By BA Laris, MPH
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Tags: HIV-AIDS, Professional development, High impact prevention, Evidence-based interventions, Retention, Community Impact Solutions Project
Do Something Extraordinary! A Roadmap to Program Sustainability in School Health Education
March 9, 2015

Do Something Extraordinary! A Roadmap to Program Sustainability in School Health Education

By Jessica Lawrence, MS | March 9, 2015
Director, Cairn Guidance

“Young lady, let me tell you something. There are people who take life by the reins and forge full speed ahead, and people who sit back and wait for things to happen to them. I think I know which category you fit into.”
—Citizen in Dayville, OR, June 2013

Two years ago this month I prepared for a goal I had daydreamed about since I was a teen. I completed a bicycle ride across the United States, cycling 4,197 miles solo from the Oregon coast to the Rhode Island shore.

My goal wasn’t only to make it safely to the east coast. I was raising funds for the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and I intended to enjoy the ride. I also wanted to model that balance of work and play we all strive for on a daily basis. I scrambled to leave town while sustaining school health contracts, hoping to maintain communication with my clients while on the journey.

And did it work? Yes! This was the most amazing adventure of my life so far.

By Jessica Lawrence, MS
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Tags: School health, Health education, Sustaining programs, Inspiration
Optimizing Skill Instruction in Sexual and Reproductive Health Education
March 3, 2015

Optimizing Skill Instruction in Sexual and Reproductive Health Education

By Karin Coyle, PhD | March 3, 2015
Senior Research Scientist, ETR

Most evidence-based sexual health programs include skill development as a core element. This underscores the value of optimizing instruction for skills. Education literature provides guidance on the optimal instructional sequence for teaching behavioral skills. There are a number of other important considerations for skill instruction that compliment this type of instructional sequence, and some common pitfalls to avoid.

By Karin Coyle, PhD
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Tags: Pregnancy prevention, STD prevention, Evidence-based interventions, Health education, Sexual and reproductive health
Stealth Recruitment: A New Way to Bring Diversity to the Tech Field
February 27, 2015

Stealth Recruitment: A New Way to Bring Diversity to the Tech Field

By Eloy Ortiz, MURP | February 27, 2015
Research Associate, ETR

Much of the funding that ETR’s Youth & IT Team has received over the past 10 years has focused on creating diversity in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education and the STEM workforce. These grants have often focused on middle school. This is a critical time in a student’s education where we see that underrepresented students, such as girls and Latino/a youth, often lose interest in math and computer science classes.

By Eloy Ortiz, MURP
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Tags: Research, Technology education, Underrepresented youth
Social Network Strategy: Turning the Tables on HIV
February 25, 2015

Social Network Strategy: Turning the Tables on HIV

By Joan Singson | February 25, 2015
Program Manager, ETR

I used to walk in and out of drab motels and dive bars in the middle of the night, distributing condoms and encouraging people to test for HIV. Yup! Been there, done that. The strategies we used to help reduce the spread of HIV in the early 1990’s were not for the faint of heart.

Those of us who were involved back when old school was hip hop and Wu-Tang-Clan was the bomb could probably rattle off a hundred ways to recruit individuals for HIV counseling, testing and referral. Organizations were motivated by the message that “anyone can get HIV,” and funding streams asked them to cast a wide net and bring in as many individuals as possible for testing.

Since then, the business of recruitment has evolved.

By Joan Singson
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Tags: HIV-AIDS, Evidence-based interventions, Professional development, Community Impact Solutions Project, High impact prevention
Quick! Free! Easy! Graphics for Your Trainings & Presentations
February 23, 2015

Quick! Free! Easy! Graphics for Your Trainings & Presentations

By Tracy Wright, MAED | February 24, 2015
Project Director, ETR

Finding the right graphic for your trainings and presentations can be a tricky and time-consuming task. Some images have costs associated with them. Others are free to use but may have “strings attached.”

In my attempt to avoid a lot of the hassle around image search, I’ve mostly used what Microsoft Office had to offer. I’d search directly within PowerPoint or Word. This worked well in the past, but it won’t in the future.

Now what?

By Tracy Wright, MAED
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Tags: Training design, Professional development
Facilitation Quick Tips: Meet Three
February 18, 2015

Facilitation Quick Tips: Meet Three

By Debra Christopher, MSM | February 18, 2015
Director, Professional Learning Systems, ETR

Here’s an activity that gets participants up and moving to meet others and establish their own sense of belonging and presence in the training. It can also boost energy and help enliven the training mix midway through an event.

By Debra Christopher, MSM
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Tags: Training design, Professional development

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