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ETR Blog

Check out what our people and partners are researching, thinking, reading, writing, watching and doing! (Note: The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ETR as an agency.)

Smokefree Laws and a Look at the Evidence
March 8, 2017

Smokefree Laws and a Look at the Evidence

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA | March 8, 2017
Program Manager, ETR

Did you happen to see the recent Slate article about secondhand smoke? It had an enticing headline—the kind that often makes Slate such a compelling and engaging read:

“We Used Terrible Science to Justify Smoking Bans”

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA
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Tags: Tobacco, Second-hand smoke, Smokefree laws, Science
Not Your Average Staff Retreat: A Total Blast with Mounds of Bacon
March 6, 2017

Not Your Average Staff Retreat: A Total Blast with Mounds of Bacon

By Marcia Quackebush, MS, MFT, MCHES | March 6, 2017
Senior Editor, ETR

Bringing people together can make a world of difference. ETR just finished up our 2017 All-Staff Retreat, and yes, it was a challenge getting everyone into one room for a day. Our workforce is distributed around the state of California and across the nation.

But it was also, in the words of one staffer, “a blast!” 

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES
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Tags: ETR staff, Inspiration
Health Care Spending: What Does Science Tell Us?
March 1, 2017

Health Care Spending: What Does Science Tell Us?

By Brittany Nielsen, MPH| March 1, 2017
Program Manager, Sutter Health

The future of health care in America looks uncertain. There is an abundance of opinions on the left and right about what our nation needs to do. However, before we can move forward effectively, it’s important to understand what science has to tell us on the topic.

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Tags: Health care, Policy, Science
Being ETR's New CEO: To Boldly Go...
February 23, 2017

Being ETR's New CEO: To Boldly Go

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | February 23, 2017

I’m thrilled to be ETR’s new CEO. This is a job I’ve wanted for 19 years!

In 1998, I was Program Director of a teen pregnancy prevention program in Oakland, CA. I went to a training on Reducing the Risk (RTR), one of the best-known evidence-based programs in the field. It also happens to be a program ETR developed, evaluated and distributes.

By Vignetta Charles, PhD
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Tags: ETR, Mission, Science
Ambassadors of Science: Helping Others Understand a Science-Based Framework
February 21, 2017

Ambassadors of Science: Helping Others Understand a Science-Based Framework

By Janine Saunders, EdD, MPH | February 21, 2017
Program Manager, ETR

Neil deGrasse Tyson famously said, "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it." During this time of fake news and alternative facts, promoting science-based approaches is more important than ever. If you’re like me, you encounter people every day who, knowingly or unknowingly, are making decisions based on false information. 

By Janine Saunders, EdD, MPH
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Tags: Science, Science-based framework, Evidence, School health, School health education
Fun! Brilliant! New Condom Kit Covers
February 15, 2017

Fun! Brilliant! New Condom Kit Covers

By Laura Perkins, MLS | February 15, 2017
Project Editor, ETR

Safer sex can be fun, right? And with a little imagination and humor, talking about safer sex can be fun too, right?! Well, yes. Yes! YES!

ETR's safer sex condom kits are especially popular when we travel to conferences. And we know the kits are popular at health fairs, college orientations, and public health events. That's why we're excited to introduce 3 new designs. They're colorful and fun and guaranteed to attract attention. And hopefully spark conversation.

By Laura Perkins, MLS
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Tags: New products, Condoms
Addressing and Preventing Cyberbullying and Online Harm
February 9, 2017

Addressing and Preventing Cyberbullying and Online Harm

By Pamela Anderson, PhD | February 9, 2017
Senior Research Associate, ETR

I’m having a sentimental parent moment. Our three-year-old is looking at the iPad. She is trying to defy gravity by watching her show upside down. The iPad falls on her face. She falls off the couch and hits the floor.

Our almost-seven-year-old immediately sprints over to help and console her sister. 

By Pamela Anderson, PhD
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Tags: Research, Technology, Cyberbullying, Electronic dating violence, Online trafficking, Children, Teens
Currently Watching: The Ethics Bowl
February 7, 2017

Currently Watching: The Ethics Bowl

By Marcia Quackenbush | February 7, 2017
Senior Editor, ETR

How do we keep youth engaged in school and community? How do we help them think critically about the issues that affect them? How can we help them raise their voices and speak out as effective citizens? I believe we have reached a time in our history as a nation where these are some of the most important skills we can offer young people.

Education experts have suggested a range of answers to these questions. I recently learned about an approach that is truly promising: Ethics Bowls

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES
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Tags: Adolescents, Ethics, Empowerment, Education, Health education
Facilitation Quick Tips: To Tell the Truth
February 2, 2017

Facilitation Quick Tips: To Tell the Truth

By Chris Wilson-Smith | February 2, 2017
Project Coordinator, ETR

Are you working with a group that’s ready to laugh, move around a bit and get to know their colleagues at the start of a training? Are you the kind of trainer who likes to start out with something lively and engaging? This may be just the FQT you’re looking for!

By Chris Wilson-Smith
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Tags: Professional development, Training design, Facilitation Quick Tips
Innovation in Teen Pregnancy Prevention: Live Your Best Life AHORA!
January 30, 2017

Innovation in Teen Pregnancy Prevention: Live Your Best Life AHORA!

By Lizanne Reynolds, JD | January 30, 2017

I am excited to be working on a new dfusion program called Live Your Best Life AHORA! This is an innovative teen pregnancy prevention and sexual risk reduction program for rural Hispanic youth and their parents in California’s Central Valley. Our program partner is the California Health Collaborative (CHC), which has worked closely with the community for many years to promote healthy practices.

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Tags: Pregnancy prevention, Adolescent health, Sexual risk reduction, Rural communities, Evidence-based interventions
Kirby Summer Internship: A Life-Changing Opportunity
January 23, 2017

Kirby Summer Internship: A Life-Changing Opportunity

By ETR | January 23, 2017

Do you know graduate students in public health? Epidemiology? How about education, psychology, sociology or related fields? Do they have an interest in sexual and reproductive health?

We’d love you to let them know about one of the finest summer internship opportunities around: the 2017 Kirby Summer Internship at ETR.

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Tags: Kirby internship, Sexual and reproductive health
Wow! New "Female" Condom Holders
January 17, 2017

Wow! New "Female" Condom Holders

By ETR | January 17, 2017

ETR’s condom holders have consistently been one of our most popular products. They have colorful designs on the outside and instructions for condom use on the inside. We’ve just introduced a new one designed to hold an internal or “female” condom.

That’s a WOW indeed! 

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Tags: Condoms, New products
School Report: Let's Be Advocates!
January 11, 2017

School Report: Let's Be Advocates!

By John Henry Ledwith | January 11, 2017
Senior Sales Manager, ETR

We’ve had some seriously rainy weather in Northern California this past week. The storm outside was a good incentive for me to do a little clean-up and organizing inside.

As I opened file drawers and cabinet doors, I ploughed through several years’ worth of articles, notes, photos and papers. Some were still keepers. And others—ideas past their prime—went off to recycle.

By John Henry Ledwith
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Tags: K-12, Advocacy, NHES
Engaging Adolescents in Open Discussions About Sex: A Primary Care Response to Adolescent Sexual Health Risks
January 5, 2017

Engaging Adolescents in Open Discussions About Sex: A Primary Care Response to Adolescent Sexual Health Risks

By Jennifer Salerno, DNP | January 5, 2017
Founder, Possibilities for Change

How sexually active—and sexually risky—are today’s teens?

Scientific studies continue to support the notion that teens today actually have less sex than their parents did as teens. Yet nearly one in four teens will become pregnant by age 20, and half of the new STDs in the U.S. each year occur among people between the ages of 15 and 24. 

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Tags: Teens, Sexual and reproductive health, Technology
Facilitation Quick Tips: I Resolve
January 3, 2017

Facilitation Quick Tips: I Resolve

By Debra Christopher, MSM | January 3, 2017
Director, Professional Learning Systems, ETR

How will participants change their approach to their work, given what they’ve learned in their training? This group activity combines thoughtful reflection with an opportunity to state intentions. A handshake, virtual or real-life, seals the deal!

By Debra Christopher, MSM
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Tags: Facilitation Quick Tips, Professional development, Training design
Time for Some Much Deserved R&R?
December 22, 2016

Time for Some Much Deserved R&R?

By ETR | December 22, 2016

It’s holiday time! We hope your plans include some space for rest and relaxation in whatever way you enjoy it best. Go on a grand adventure, read a good book or spend time with family and friends.

The ETR blog will be taking a break until the first week of January, 2017. 

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Disrupting What You Think You Know: Sex and the Teen Brain
December 19, 2016

Disrupting What You Think You Know: Sex and the Teen Brain

By Karin Coyle, PhD | December 19, 2016
Senior Research Associate, ETR

ETR is delighted to announce the release of our report on the 2016 Kirby Summit. If you work with adolescents to address sexual and reproductive health, I strongly encourage you to check it out.

Here’s why. We deliberately designed this invited Summit to challenge and disrupt what we thought we knew about adolescent health behaviors.

Report on the 2016 Kirby Summit

Peterson AJ, Coyle KK, Guinosso SA, Christopher DE, and Charles VE. Sex and the teen brain: Disrupting what we think we know. Scotts Valley, CA: ETR Associates, 2016. 

By Karin Coyle, PhD
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Tags: Research, Kirby Summit, Adolescents, Risk reduction, Neurodevelopment, Sexual and reproductive health, Neuroscience
Take a New Look at Period Facts
December 15, 2016

Take a New Look at Period Facts

By Laura Perkins, MLS | December 15, 2016
Product Editor, ETR

Thought about menstrual periods lately? Maybe, maybe not. But if you were a pre-menstrual kid, teetering on the edge of puberty, you'd probably be thinking about them a lot.

By Laura Perkins, MLS
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Tags: Menstruation, New products, Girls, Puberty
Reflections On the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey
December 13, 2016

Reflections On the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey

By BA Laris, MPH | December 13, 2016
Research Associate, ETR | Personal pronouns: She, her, hers

We were excited for the much-anticipated release of The National Center for Transgender Equality’s new 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey Report

By B.A. Laris, MPH
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Tags: Transgender, Social justice, Research
Gratitude, Every Day and All Year Round
December 8, 2016

Gratitude, Every Day and All Year Round

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | December 8, 2016
Chief Science Officer, ETR

I love gratitude. I try to get a little of it into my life every day. Here’s why.

First, gratitude grounds me in something positive and constructive. It’s so easy to get mired in the details of our daily lives. Like a breath of fresh air, a break for gratitude can get me back into the moment.

Second, it helps me extend and expand my feelings...

By Vignetta Charles, PhD
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Tags: Gratitude, Partnerships

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