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ETR Blog

Check out what our people and partners are researching, thinking, reading, writing, watching and doing! (Note: The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ETR as an agency.)

Observations About Gender Norms and Health - Part 2
October 24, 2017

Observations About Gender Norms and Health - Part 2

By Lori A. Rolleri, MSW, MPH | October 24, 2017
Principal, Lori Rolleri Consulting

Gender norms have a deep impact at all levels of our society and culture. In Part 1 of this post, I talked about some of the ways inequitable gender norms can negatively affect health behaviors and outcomes. In this post, I’d like to take a look at how we can use evidence-informed strategies to change that. How do we address harmful gender norms in curricula designed to prevent adolescent pregnancy and STIs?

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Tags: Pregnancy prevention, STD prevention, Gender norms, Norms, Adolescent health, Gender equity
Positive Strategies for Working with Vaccine Hesitation
October 18, 2017

Positive Strategies for Working with Vaccine Hesitation

By Katy Casselman, MPH Cand | October 18, 2017
Research Assistant, dfusion

Fall has begun. You know what that means: it’s flu season!

Are your students, clients and patients going to get their flu vaccine this year? There’s a good chance they won’t. In the 2015-16 season, the CDC reported that only 42% of adults, and 59% of children 6 months to 17 years, got their flu vaccine. Part of this reluctance may stem from the larger social movement and controversy within the public health and medical fields, vaccine hesitancy.

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Tags: Public health, Vaccine
Observations About Gender Norms and Health - Part 1
October 11, 2017

Observations About Gender Norms and Health - Part 1

By Lori A. Rolleri, MSW, MPH | October 11, 2017
Principal, Lori Rolleri Consulting

Are you one of those people who likes to sit in a park and people-watch? Me too. I like to think about why people do what they do. I’m fortunate that I have a career that actually pays me to do this—although not just by sitting on a park bench!

My people-watching is the type that involves talking with people, reading professional journals and researching the reasons why people do or don’t engage in certain health behaviors.

This is Part 1 of a 2-part series. Read Part 2 here.
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Tags: STD prevention, Pregnancy prevention, Adolescent health, Gender norms, norms, Gender equity
Facilitation Quick Tips: Say the Color, Not the Word
October 5, 2017

Facilitation Quick Tips: Say the Color, Not the Word

By Lia Cassanego, MPH | October 5, 2017
Professional Learning Services Specialist, ETR

Here’s an activity will energize and engage your group. But wait! That’s not all! It will also astound participants with the mysterious workings of our brains.

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Tags: Training design, Professional development
A Big Cheer for the California Healthy Youth Act
October 3, 2017

A Big Cheer for the California Healthy Youth Act

By Joan Singson | October 3, 2017
Director of Population Health, San Joaquin General Hospital

California is helping to pave the way! Adolescent sexual health education got a big boost when the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA) was enacted in 2016. Across the nation, health educators and advocates for comprehensive sexuality education are looking at California’s legislation as a model that puts student knowledge, skills and well-being first.

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Tags: Sex education, Adolescent health, Sexual and reproductive health, legislation
Difficult Events: Guidelines for Talking with Children and Teens
October 2, 2017

Difficult Events: Guidelines for Talking with Children and Teens

By ETR | October 2, 2017

Many of us started out our work week first hearing the devastating news out of Las Vegas. Educators and others working with children and teens may understandably feel discouraged about having to explain, one more time, how unpredictable and violent the world can sometimes be.

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Tags: violence
It's Here! Drug Prevention Pamphlet Series in Spanish
September 28, 2017

It's Here! Drug Prevention Pamphlet Series in Spanish

By Lisa Edelman | September 28, 2017
Regional Account Manager, ETR

We do great pamphlets here at ETR! I sincerely believe our health education pamphlets are the best you can find. Once in awhile, a title or series comes along that’s exciting for reasons other than the excellence of its content.

That’s the case for the new Spanish translations of our “What You Need to Know About…” series of pamphlets

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Tags: Spanish language products, Substance abuse
A Message From My Gay Brothers on National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
September 25, 2017

A Message From My Gay Brothers on National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

By Michael Everett, MHS | September 25, 2017
Project Director, ETR

As we gear up for National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, I have a message for you from my gay brothers. That’s right. Not to them, but from us to you. We need your help! Yes, you!

For the last 30+ years, HIV has been instrumental in drawing attention to the experiences of gay men in the United States

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Tags: National Gay Mens HIV-AIDS Awareness Day, HIV-AIDS, HIV, health equity, equity
ConDEMO? How the Heck Did You Come Up with That?
September 21, 2017

ConDEMO? How the Heck Did You Come Up with That?

By Regina Firpo-Triplett, MPH, CNC, MCHES | September 21, 2017
Chief Executive Officer, dfusion

Back in the 1980’s, I worked in Los Angeles County providing sexual health education (called “family life education” at that time). Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” and George Michael’s “I Want Your Sex” played constantly on the radio, and HIV was a new and frightening sexually transmitted infection that was drastically changing how and where sexuality education was offered. 

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Tags: Sex education, Condoms, Adolescents, Sexual and reproductive health, ConDEMO
Tech Guy Makes Good: More Substance, Less Tedium in Data Analysis
September 18, 2017

Tech Guy Makes Good: More Substance, Less Tedium in Data Analysis

By David Manuel Torres | September 18, 2017
Research Assistant, ETR

I have always been really interested in technology. In elementary school, I looked forward to “computer lab” days where the class would spend an hour at the school’s small, modular classroom by the lunch area. We got to play computer games meant to develop our typing skills. After one of these computer lab days, the instructor pulled me aside and told me that she wanted me to help her install new mice on all the classroom computers in the school.

I was filled with pride. In the days following, I eagerly knocked on each classroom door and went in to unplug the old mechanical mice and install fancy new optical laser ones.

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Tags: data analysis, Teamwork, Technology, Pair programming, Technology education, Research
Why Teens Don't Report Cyberbullying
September 12, 2017

Why Teens Don't Report Cyberbullying

By Pamela M. Anderson, PhD | September 12, 2017
Senior Research Associate, ETR

First published on the blog of on August 2, 2017.

“When young people are cyberbullied, why don’t they reach out to trusted adults for help?” This is a question a lot of youth health providers are asking.

Think about it: here we are, a nationwide community of caring, concerned parents/guardians and professionals. We’re teachers, health providers, counselors, outreach workers, researchers and more. We want to support young people and empower them to live healthy, positive and productive lives.

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Tags: Violence prevention, Adolescents, Cyberbullying, Adolescent health
What's an Economics and Politics Student Doing at ETR?
September 7, 2017

What's an Economics and Politics Student Doing at ETR?

By Chris Connelly | September 7, 2017
Former Data Core Intern, ETR

Not many people would align my professional goals with those of a non-profit. I’m majoring in Economics and Politics at the University of California, Santa Cruz. After graduation, I plan to earn a Masters in Applied Economics and Finance. Then—law school. I want to use my knowledge of economics and law to work as a corporate attorney.

So why did someone like me choose ETR for an internship?

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Tags: data, internship, Evaluation, Research
A Novice's Confession on Data Visualization
September 5, 2017

A Novice's Confession on Data Visualization

By Seow Ling Ong, MSW | September 5, 2017
Research Associate, ETR

Colorful charts. Gorgeous graphs. Incredible infographics. Yes, everybody loves data visualization, and we can’t enough of it. But if you’ve never worked with dataviz, how do you get started?

Here is my own story—the confession of how a self-professed “data-only” person who is not a graphic designer ended up venturing into the colorful world of dataviz.

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Wake Up: An E-Cigarette Prevention Campaign That Worked
August 31, 2017

Wake Up: An E-Cigarette Prevention Campaign That Worked

By April Roeseler, BSN, MSPH | August 31, 2017
Branch Chief, California Tobacco Control Network

Are e-cigarettes really harmful to youth? Yes. Last year’s Surgeon General Report E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults confirms that this is a “major public health concern.” Younger brains are more susceptible to addiction, and e-cigarette use may open the door to other addictions, including conventional cigarettes and illicit drugs. Exposure to nicotine while young may interfere with brain development with resulting negative effects on cognition, memory and attention.

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Tags: media campaign, Vaping, E-cigarettes, tobacco prevention, nicotine
5 Steps for Energizing Your Health Class
August 29, 2017

5 Steps for Energizing Your Health Class

By Andrew Milne | August 29, 2017
Health Education & PE Teacher, New Trier High School

Teaching health is a fantastic opportunity! What a privilege to get to encourage our students to consider their health and that of others.

With increased pressure on academic scheduling it's important that health educators get the most out of their time in the classroom. These 5 steps should have your students running to your class, eager to learn.

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Tags: Innovation, Advocacy, Health education, High school, School health education
Thinking of Southern Texas & the Gulf Coast
August 28, 2017

Thinking of Southern Texas & the Gulf Coast

By ETR | August 28, 2017
Director, Professional Learning Systems, ETR

Many of us here at ETR have family, friends and colleagues enduring the extraordinary hardships of Harvey. They are very much on our mind today. Thanks to those of you in that number who have let us know you're okay.

At times such as these, we are especially grateful to be part of the caring community in school health, health education and public health. We go forward with the understanding that our colleagues will do their part to keep their communities as safe as possible, and the sun will shine again.

Take care of yourselves out there in that storm!

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Big Ideas at the Heart of Educational Equity: 5 Key Considerations
August 24, 2017

Big Ideas at the Heart of Educational Equity: 5 Key Considerations

By Chris Harrison, EdD | August 24, 2017
Program Manager, ETR

“It is not taboo to fetch what is at risk of being left behind.”

 ~Sankofa, Akan tribe of Ghana


This is a true story. Picture, if you will, a young student “at-promise,” starting his first day of middle school. His name is Michael. He is excited about reconnecting with friends, meeting his new teachers and finding his way around his middle school.

But right after school begins Michael calls his mother and exclaims, “Mom, you have to come and get me because they have me in detention. They won’t let me go to class!”

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Tags: K-12, educational equity, equity
The "Pipeline" to CS Careers: The Metaphor is Wrong
August 22, 2017

The "Pipeline" to CS Careers: The Metaphor is Wrong

By Louise Ann Lyon, PhD | August 22, 2017
Senior Research Associate, ETR

Imagine a high school student who loves technology. She’s decided to pursue a career in computer science (CS). What steps will take her forward from school to career?

Planning for these steps is an essential part of the educational process, both for individual students and for educational institutions. Unfortunately, the current ways most institutions are thinking about the CS pipeline—or even the more flexible model of pathways—aren’t workable for a lot of students. 

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Tags: Computer science education, Diversity in technology, Community college, Technology education
Eclipse Day: Welcome to the Enchanted World of Science
August 21, 2017

Eclipse Day: Welcome to the Enchanted World of Science

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | August 21, 2017
Chief Executive Officer, ETR

Are you going to watch? It seems like almost everyone in the nation is anticipating today’s total solar eclipse.

In a time when we’re seeing so much divisiveness in our country, people of all perspectives are coming together to share this inspiring experience. That’s powerful.

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Tags: eclipse, Science-based framework, Science
Summer's Ending and It's Time for Something New!
August 17, 2017

Summer's Ending and It's Time for Something New!

By John Henry Ledwith | August 17, 2017
Senior Sales Manager, ETR

Ah. The sun of summer is beginning to wane. Many of my conversations with colleagues are now centering around that classic fall event, “Return to the Classroom.” Teachers are resetting desks. They’re getting books in place. They’re reviewing and finalizing lesson plans.

All this to be ready for the first starting bell of the new school year.

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Tags: HealthSmart, School health education, Elementary school, k-5

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