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ETR Blog

Check out what our people and partners are researching, thinking, reading, writing, watching and doing! (Note: The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ETR as an agency.)

Can We Say That? Communicating About Sex Ed in the Age of Major Spam
January 26, 2018

Can We Say That? Communicating About Sex Ed in the Age of Major Spam

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | January 26, 2018
Senior Editor, ETR

Here at ETR, we care about sexual and reproductive health. We produce and distribute materials used in sexuality education. We do research. We train trainers and educators.

That means we often use words such as “sex” in our blog posts and newsletters. 

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Tags: Sex education, Adolescent health
Effective School Policies on Bullying May Lower Suicide Risk Among Youth
January 24, 2018

Effective School Policies on Bullying May Lower Suicide Risk Among Youth

By Teresa McGeeney, MS | January 24, 2018
Epidemiologist, REACH Evaluation

I am a suicide prevention researcher. One of my early experiences in the field ultimately led me to a powerful conclusion. When schools (1) put effective, evidence-based anti-bullying polices in place, (2) make sure students know how to report bullying, and (3) ensure responses to these reports are perceived by students to be effective, schools are likely to see fewer suicide attempts among their students.

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Tags: School mental health, School mental health, Mental health, Suicide prevention, Cyberbullying, Bullying, Adolescents
Inspired to Do More: Joining ETR's CCAP Team
January 18, 2018

Inspired to Do More: Joining ETR's CCAP Team

By Manveer Sahota | January 18, 2018
Community Outreach and Advocacy Specialist, ETR

Inspiration is powerful. From the time I was a teen, inspiring people have come into my life at just the right moments. They’ve given me encouragement to move forward, to grow and to give back, exactly when I was ready to do so.

Today, because of those experiences, I’m working with the California Clean Air Project (CCAP). 

By Manveer Sahota
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Tags: Tobacco prevention, Second-hand smoke, Tribal communities, Tribal nations, CCAP
Sex Trafficking: Helping Students Get Informed
January 11, 2018

Sex Trafficking: Helping Students Get Informed

By Pamela Anderson, PhD | January 11, 2018
Senior Research Associate, ETR

Sex trafficking among U.S. teens is real. It’s happening in most communities—in schools, at the mall, online and in other situations. If you work with young people, I hope you’ll check out some new free resources you can use to share facts about youth trafficking with both young people and adults. 

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Tags: Sexual violence prevention, Peer to peer trafficking, Sex trafficking
Building Health Skills: Decision Making
January 9, 2018

Building Health Skills: Decision Making

By Suzanne Schrag | January 9, 2018
Editor/Product Manager, ETR

Skills are a vital part of effective health education. And, in addition to acquiring knowledge, a focus on practicing skills is becoming more and more accepted as the best way to help young people establish healthy behaviors. This, in turn, helps them reduce their health risks. 

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Tags: Decision making, K-12, HealthSmart, School health education, Health education
Medical Cannabis? Medical Marijuana? What's the Difference?
January 3, 2018

Medical Cannabis? Medical Marijuana? What's the Difference?

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA | January 3, 2018
Program Manager, ETR

What’s in a name? Is it medical marijuana that’s supported by 29 states plus the District of Columbia? Or should we be calling it medical cannabis?

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Tags: Medical marijuana, Medical cannabis, Cannabis
Hello, 2018
January 2, 2018

Hello, 2018

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | January 2, 2018
Senior Editor, ETR

We’re back! And so are you. Welcome to 2018.

We have some exciting posts coming up. Look for content addressing developmental neuroscience, sexual risk reduction, our Health Equity Framework, tobacco control, legalized cannabis and more. 

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Celebrate! Restore! Connect!
December 19, 2017

Celebrate! Restore! Connect!

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | December 19, 2017
Chief Executive Officer, ETR

ETR values Workplace Wellness—and a way to live those values is to ensure that our incredibly hardworking team takes a well-deserved break for the holidays. We close down December 23 and open again January 2, 2018. As we come upon our annual all-staff mini-sabbatical, I’d like to share three wishes from ETR to you.

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Tags: Workplace wellness, Self care
Sometimes, Size Matters: ETR's New Big Banner Stands
December 14, 2017

Sometimes, Size Matters: ETR's New Big Banner Stands

By Laura Perkins, MLS | December 14, 2017
Project Editor, ETR

We live in an age of distractions—distracted eating, distracted driving, distracted walking.

So, health educators. How do you get your message across to your distracted clients? ETR is excited to introduce a new line of products designed to grab attention and spark curiosity.

By Laura Perkins, MLS
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Tags: Health fairs, ETR products
Developmental Neuroscience & Adolescent Sexual Health: Emotion
December 12, 2017

Developmental Neuroscience & Adolescent Sexual Health: Emotion

By Stephanie Guinosso, PhD, MPH | December 12, 2017
Senior Research Associate, ETR

Dr. Douglas B. Kirby was an extraordinary man. His lifetime contributions to adolescent sexual and reproductive health transformed the field, both in research and in practice. In February 2016, ETR hosted the inaugural Kirby Summit in honor of Dr. Kirby. We continued our exciting conversation at our second convening in May, 2017.

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Tags: Developmental relationships, Developmental neuroscience, Sexual and reproductive health, Adolescent health, Kirby summit
North Carolina: Teen Health, Women's Health, Student Health and HIV Prevention
December 7, 2017

Great Work in North Carolina

By Lisa Edelman | December 7, 2017
Regional Account Manager, ETR

I’m a happy traveler. That makes me doubly-blessed when I travel for ETR. I get to spend time with very impressive people, learn about their work, and come home more inspired than ever about the work I do.

In September, I had an opportunity to meet a few of the fine people of North Carolina. 

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Tags: Mission, Customers
Looking to Future Generations: Building Healthier Communities on Reservations
December 5, 2017

Looking to Future Generations: Building Healthier Communities on Reservations

By Jennifer R. Geisler, MS, RN—San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians | December 5, 2017
Community Outreach Coordinator, ETR

I was born and raised on the Rincon reservation in Southern California. They are a neighboring tribe to my tribe, the San Pasqual. There’s a good chance, even if you know about reservation life, mine was not what you would expect.

My parents sheltered the children in our family. I had no idea that my community was struggling with serious issues around diabetes, alcohol and drug use. 

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Tags: Youth, Drug prevention, Alcohol prevention, Tobacco prevention, Tribal communities, Prevention
Sexual Harassment: The Water Cooler Conversation
November 30, 2017

Sexual Harassment: The Water Cooler Conversation

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | November 30, 2017
Senior Editor, ETR

Okay. It didn't happen at the water cooler. It was at an intersection of three cubicles—just a coincidental collection of colleagues crossing one another’s paths. We were talking about topics many of you have also been discussing with workmates, family and friends over the past several weeks—the instances of sexual harassment and assault that have been before the public eye.

Whom do we believe? What should be done? What can we do in our lives and our work to bring this kind of violence to an end?

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Tags: Affirmative consent, ETR products, Sexual assault prevention, Sexual harassment
Far and Away: Benefits of the Distributed Workforce
November 28, 2017

Far and Away: Benefits of the Distributed Workforce

By Sue Potter, MS | November 28, 2017
Research Associate, ETR

I’m with the “away team.” For the last several years, I’ve been part of ETR’s Distributed Workforce. Roughly one in five staff are located away from our organization’s main offices in Scotts Valley, Oakland and Sacramento, California. You’ll find us in other regions of California and in other states across the country. I live in Boston.

It hasn’t always been easy being one of the remote staff. But we’re an organization that believes in continuous improvement. 

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Tags: Organizational development, ETR staff, Distributed workforce
Yes, We Are Grateful
November 20, 2017

Yes, We Are Grateful

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | November 20, 2017
Chief Executive Officer, ETR

My six-year-old son came home from school during the first week of November with an assignment to ask his family what we’re thankful for this year. I immediately rattled off the names of ten people, starting with his name.

He jumped in and clarified, “It can’t be people. You have to be grateful for a non-people thing.” I paused and then quickly gave him my heartfelt answer that couldn’t be people (I’ll tell you later what it was). 

By Vignetta Charles, PhD
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Tags: Partnerships, Gratitude, ETR
Facilitation Quick Tips: I Usually Say Yes to This
November 16, 2017

Facilitation Quick Tips: I Usually Say Yes to This

By Gina Lepore, MEd | November 16, 2017
Research Associate, ETR

Here’s an engaging and powerful activity that’s a great way to introduce a learning process related to consent in sexual or romantic relationships. It’s ideal for a Training of Educators or Training of Trainers. With adaptation, it can also be used as a classroom activity with teens or young adults.

By Gina Lepore, MEd
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Tags: Affirmative consent, Facilitation Quick Tips, Facilitation, Training design
Teaching Knowledge and Skills the HealthSmart Way – Part 3
November 14, 2017

Teaching Knowledge and Skills the HealthSmart Way – Part 3

By Suzanne Schrag | November 14, 2017
Editor/Product Manager, ETR

How do we give students the concepts and skills they need to choose healthy behaviors for a lifetime? From the 15 Characteristics of Effective Health Education Curricula identified by the CDC, we know that an effective program “provides functional health knowledge that directly contributes to health-promoting decisions and behaviors.” It also “builds competence and self-efficacy by addressing skills.” Let’s see some examples of how these two key components of a great health education program play out in Grade 2 of HealthSmart.

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Tags: School health, School health education, K-5, K-12, HealthSmart
Parent Engagement: Key for Girls in STEM
November 9, 2017

Parent Engagement: Key for Girls in STEM

From an interview with Linda Kekelis, PhD | October 26, 2017
Principal, Linda Kekelis Consulting

We need girls in tech. We need women in tech. We need women and underrepresented minorities across all areas of STEM. There are good reasons for this, reasons that benefit society, industry, the economy and international competitiveness.

But for me, one of the most persuasive is simply that girls and women deserve the freedom and opportunity offered by access to STEM fields.

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Tags: Girls in tech, Computer science education, Parent engagement, Technology education, K-12, STEM equity
HealthSmart: Putting Health Ed Research into Action - Part 2
November 7, 2017

HealthSmart: Putting Health Ed Research into Action - Part 2

By Suzanne Schrag | November 7, 2017
Editor/Product Manager, ETR

It’s not enough to simply teach students information about health. As health educators, we must help them master key concepts and skills that promote health literacy and lifelong health. HealthSmart, ETR’s comprehensive K12 health education program, targets Healthy Behavior Outcomes as its primary goal. This sets HealthSmart apart from a more traditional textbook health program.

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Tags: School health, School health education, 15 Characteristics of Effective Health Education, Health education, K12, HealthSmart
Understanding the HealthSmart Approach to Health Education - Part 1
October 30, 2017

Understanding the HealthSmart Approach to Health Education - Part 1

By Suzanne Schrag | October 30, 2017
Editor/Product Manager, ETR

I’ve been working with HealthSmart, ETR’s comprehensive, K-12 health education program, since its inception. We’ve recently been traveling to different states to introduce schools, districts and DOEs to the HealthSmart program. Often we are presenting HealthSmart alongside more traditional textbook publishers.

HealthSmart is not a textbook program. In fact, it’s quite different from a textbook approach to health class. We’ve given a lot of thought to how we explain what may be a new way to think about health instruction for administrators and educators.

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Tags: School health education, 15 Characteristics of Effective Health Education, K12, HealthSmart

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