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ETR Blog

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Positive Social Media Use for Youth: 6 Recommendations to Guide Parents, Educators & Other Professionals
April 12, 2018

Positive Social Media Use for Youth: 6 Recommendations to Guide Parents, Educators & Other Professionals

By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD | April 12, 2018
Director, Professional Learning Systems, ETR

Worried about social media’s influence on youth? A lot of people are.

In the first part of this blog post, I talked about some of the reasons we worry. Here are 6 recommendations that can guide parents and those who work with youth in supporting healthy use of these new tools.

By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD
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Tags: Media, Teens, Social media
De-Escalation Techniques: Coping with Students & Clients, Coping with Our Lives
April 10, 2018

De-Escalation Techniques: Coping with Students & Clients, Coping with Our Lives

By BA Laris, MPH | April 10, 2018
Program Manager, ETR

The news and my social media feed keep screaming at me. FINANCIAL CRISIS! POLITICAL CRISIS! ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS! PERSONAL CRISIS!

It feels like everyone is facing a catastrophe. This barrage of uncertainty is highly distressing (especially for this “the glass is always half-full” ETRian).

By B.A. Laris, MPH
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Tags: CISP, HIV, Crisis, Professional development, Crisis de-escalation
Social Media, Traditional Media: Really Different? Or Really the Same?
April 5, 2018

Social Media, Traditional Media: Really Different? Or Really the Same?

By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD | April 5, 2018
Senior Research Associate, ETR

From a fairly young age, today’s kids are growing up with all kinds of social media. Parents and professionals struggle to keep up with the latest trends and protect children from possible harm. As a media researcher and a parent, I'm also working to stay abreast of the latest technology and how it impacts children and adolescents.

But rather than looking at every new app as a focus of research, I'm interested in the larger issues related to social media use—things like why and how we use social media.

By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD
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Tags: Social media, Media
Growing the Organization: Choosing a Distributed Workforce
April 3, 2018

Growing the Organization: Choosing a Distributed Workforce

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | April 3, 2018

ETR is a national organization—one with global aspirations. You might not have guessed this if you’d peeked in on one of our all-staff meetings a few years back. These were held in a single conference room, with a minority of our team joining from two smaller rooms at “satellite offices,” along with a few team members joining from home offices.

No longer!

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Tags: Organizational development, Distributed workforce
Intentional HIV Advocacy in the South: Our Newest e-Learning Resource
March 29, 2018

Intentional HIV Advocacy in the South: Our Newest e-Learning Resource

By BA Laris, MPH & Nic Carlisle, JD | March 29, 2018
Program Manager, ETR (BAL) & Executive Director, Southern AIDS Coalition (NC)

When you hear the term “HIV and AIDS advocacy,” what do you think of? In our work we have found there are typically two responses:

“Yes! This is how we get our voice heard!”

“Umm, well, I am glad people are working on these issues, but I don’t really know how that all actually works.”

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Tags: E-learning, Advocacy, HIV-AIDS, HIV
LGBTQ Youth & Inclusive Curricula: We Must Take Action
March 27, 2018

LGBTQ Youth & Inclusive Curricula: We Must Take Action

By Karen Stradford Boyce, LCSW, & Madeline Travers, MPH | March 27, 2018
Consultant (KSB) & New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (MT)

LGBTQ youth face distinct health risks compared with their non-LGBTQ peers. In the last few years, the call to address the sexual health needs of LGBTQ youth has rung loud from both programs and research. At the same time, a rollback of LGBTQ-focused initiatives and programs at the federal level has created an unprecedented need for support for the LGBTQ community and its youth.

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Tags: LGBTQ, Adaptation, Sexual and reproductive health, Inclusive education, LGBTQ youth
Building Health Skills: Advocacy
March 22, 2018

Building Health Skills: Advocacy

By Suzanne Schrag | March 22, 2018
Editor/Project Manager, ETR

Here’s a different take on a familiar saying: Those who can, do. Those who really can, teach! And those who teach health know the value of teaching advocacy skills.

Giving students practice in advocacy is a great way to build engagement, review key concepts and personalize what they’ve been learning about healthy behaviors. Advocacy also helps communities hear vital information about health-related issues from critical stakeholders—young people themselves!

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Tags: Advocacy, Health education, K12, HealthSmart
Youth E-Cigarette Use and School Connectedness
March 20, 2018

Youth E-Cigarette Use and School Connectedness

By Xinran Cui Dhaliwal, MPH | March 20, 2018
Project Coordinator, ETR

Health promotion must take a multifaceted approach. It is the only path to success. This is one of my core beliefs.

It’s also something that resonated deeply for me at ETR’s recent All Staff Retreat—my first. When you meet everyone in this organization in one room at one time, you are struck by the fact that ETR staffers work in so many diverse areas of public health research and practice.

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Tags: Social determinants of health, Health Equity Framework, Tobacco prevention, Tobacco, E-cigarettes, School connectedness, Vaping
Making Health Equity Work: An Interview with Cynthia A. Gómez
March 15, 2018

Making Health Equity Work: An Interview with Cynthia A. Gómez

Cynthia A. Gómez, PhD | March 15, 2018
Professor Emerita in Health Education, Founding Director Health Equity Institute, San Francisco State University

The way I like to describe the concept of health equity is to say that it is the solution to the problem of health inequities. Health inequities are differences in health outcomes that are avoidable.

I think of health equity as a visionary goal where all people have equal opportunity, access, and resources to achieve the best health possible.

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Tags: Health equity, Health Equity Framework
Celebrate Pi Day! Celebrate Science!
March 14, 2018

Celebrate Pi Day! Celebrate Science!

By ETR | March 14, 2018

Happy Pi Day! It’s March 14, the day when science geeks the world over revel in the stark beauty of mathematics. Pi is both one-of-a-kind (no other number like it) and part of the crowd (a member of the tribe of mathematical constants). It is irrational and transcendental. It is infinite in nature.

Pi Day resonates for ETRians.

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Tags: Science
How to Design an Effective Staff Retreat: A Lesson from Life
March 13, 2018

How to Design an Effective Staff Retreat: A Lesson from Life

By Sarah Axelson, MSW | March 18, 2018
Director of Training, ETR

When is the last time your organization held a staff retreat? Did it help you accomplish your organizational goals?

A few weeks ago, ETR held its annual staff retreat. I was genuinely inspired. The planners of this event offered some valuable lessons for any organization on how to design effective and engaging retreats.

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Tags: Staff retreat, Training design, Professional development
What Pre-Flight Safety Speeches Teach Us About Safer Sex
March 8, 2018

What Pre-Flight Safety Speeches Teach Us About Safer Sex

By Mia Barrett, MEd | March 8, 2018
Research Associate, ETR

I spend a lot of time traveling for my work as a research coordinator. I’m in airports and on airplanes all the time. I board my plane, find my seat and listen to the flight attendant deliver the pre-flight safety speech. As a sexuality educator, I’d like to see us teach that sexual interactions should come with a similar safety briefing.

By Mia Barrett, MEd
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Tags: Sex education, Safer sex
ETR's Kirby Summit Rises Again
March 6, 2018

ETR's Kirby Summit Rises Again

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | March 6, 2018
Senior Editor, ETR

The Kirby Summit is a one-of-a kind experience. This small, invitational convening gathers experts from across the nation. They meet over two days to talk about promoting adolescent health and reducing health risks.

Okay, you’ve probably heard about other events similar to this. Why is the Kirby Summit so special?

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES
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Tags: Adolescent development, Developmental neuroscience, Sexual and reproductive health, Kirby summit
Coding Boot Camps: Wish They'd Existed When I Was Studying Computer Science
March 1, 2018

Coding Boot Camps: Wish They'd Existed When I Was Studying Computer Science

By Louise Ann Lyon, PhD | February 28, 2018
Senior Research Associate, ETR

Why bother learning to write computer code? That’s a question I used to asked myself. I believe that many women are still asking this question. They don’t perceive the value of coding until they get into the workforce and discover a host of ways coding can increase the impact of their work.

This is just one more reason we should celebrate, support and advocate for the improvement of alternative computer science (CS) training grounds such as coding boot camps.

By Louise Ann Lyon, PhD
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Tags: Coding boot camps, Computer science education, Diversity in technology
Becoming a Trauma-Informed School Professional
February 26, 2018

Becoming a Trauma-Informed School Professional

By Stephanie Guinosso, PhD | February 26, 2018
Senior Research Associate, ETR

“Our goal is to create a beloved community. This will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

This quote resonates deeply for me. It truly captures the journey we must embark upon to become trauma-informed professionals working within trauma- and healing-informed systems.

By Stephanie Guinosso, PhD
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Tags: Educators, Adverse childhood experiences, Trauma informed schools, K12
Building Health Skills: Accessing Resources
February 20, 2018

Building Health Skills: Accessing Resources

By Suzanne Schrag | February 20, 2018
Editor/Project Manager, ETR

Where do young people get health information? Health educators hope their students understand how to find accurate answers to their questions from reliable resources. Such children and youth are in the best position to increase their knowledge in ways that will empower them to practice healthy behaviors and reduce their health risks.

By Suzanne Schrag
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Tags: School health education, Health education, National Health Education Standards, K12, HealthSmart
In Praise of the Science of Love
February 14, 2018

In Praise of the Science of Love

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | February 14, 2018
Chief Executive Officer, ETR

How’s your love life? Today is Valentine’s Day, so no surprise if your thoughts turn to romantic relationships. But I’m actually talking about a different kind of love at the moment—love related to leadership, mission and work.

By Vignetta Charles, PhD
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Tags: Leadership, Gratitude, ETR
Need to Know
February 13, 2018

Need to Know

By John Henry Ledwith | February 13, 2018
National Sales Manager, ETR

The great state of Texas. Known for its sports teams, exciting weather, roots-based eclectic music and grand landscapes. After my visit to northern Texas a couple of weeks ago, I’m going to add to that list: outstanding health education teachers.

I was working with health education master Susan Telljohann, PhD, as she delivered a training on the 15 Characteristics of Effective Health Education.

By John Henry Ledwith
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Tags: Health education, School health education, K-12, HealthSmart, 15 Characteristics of Effective Health Education
The Importance of Community Colleges in Diversifying Computing
February 8, 2018

The Importance of Community Colleges in Diversifying Computing

By Louise Ann Lyon, PhD | February 8, 2018
Senior Research Associate, ETR

Finally! More and more attention is shifting to the fact that community colleges could play a critical role in diversifying computing fields.

The National Science Foundation and Google have given momentum to this movement by funding and hosting a workshop, the “Authentic Inclusion of Community Colleges in Broadening Participation in Computing.” It was held January 30-February 1, 2018, at the Google headquarters. 

By Louise Ann Lyon, PhD
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Tags: STEM equity, STEM equity, Community college, Diversity in technology, Computer science education
Disrupt Your Thinking: It's Good for Sexual Health Education
February 6, 2018

Disrupt Your Thinking: It's Good for Sexual Health Education

By Karin Coyle, PhD | February 6, 2018
Chief Science Officer, ETR

The Kirby Summit has disrupted the ways I think about sex education. I hope it’s going to disrupt your thinking, too. ETR’s invitational Summit assembled some of the nation’s best-known developmental neuroscientists, along with similarly respected sexual and reproductive health specialists. The things we’ve learned by bringing our disciplines together are altering the ways all of us are conceptualizing sex education.

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Tags: Kirby summit, Developmental neuroscience, Sex education, Adolescent health, Sexual and reproductive health

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