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ETR Blog

Check out what our people and partners are researching, thinking, reading, writing, watching and doing! (Note: The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ETR as an agency.)

Get To Know ETR: David Manuel Torres, Research Assistant
August 21, 2019

Get To Know ETR: David Manuel Torres, Research Assistant

By ETR | August 21, 2019

David Torres is one of ETR’s great data wranglers. This means he spends a lot of his time making sure the raw data collected on his projects is clean and consistent before running analyses on it. “That’s actually about 80% of my work on a project,” he explains. “The analysis is the fun part, but the cleaning is the most important. If you start with inaccurate data, you get inaccurate interpretations.”

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Tags: Staff profile, Equity in Tech, Data analysis, ETR staff
Supporting Young Leaders to Create Meaningful Change in Their Communities
August 14, 2019

Supporting Young Leaders to Create Meaningful Change in Their Communities

By Leslie Ferreira, MPA | August 14, 2019
Training and Outreach Manager, ETR

You’ve heard the adage, “Youth are leaders of tomorrow.” But truthfully, young people are leaders today. Our youth are stepping into their power like never before and demanding the space to make their voices heard. As adults, it’s our responsibility—and our privilege—to seek, validate and lift their voices in tangible and genuine ways.

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Tags: Advocacy, Tobacco prevention, Youth voice, Youth empowerment
Increase Stakeholder Engagement Through Data Parties
August 8, 2019

Increase Stakeholder Engagement Through Data Parties

By Eleanor Hayden | August 8, 2019
Research Assistant, ETR

Have you ever wanted to increase stakeholder engagement in your research? Or introduce participatory data analysis to your work? If you have, a data party might be for you!

I recently attended a webinar on data parties presented by Kylie Hutchinson at Community Solutions Planning & Evaluation. I learned how to host a data party as well as the potential benefits they can provide to everyone involved, from researchers to evaluators to community stakeholders. Here are some key take-homes.

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Tags: Data, Evaluation, Research
Get to Know ETR: Emma Schlamm, Program Coordinator
August 1, 2019

Get to Know ETR: Emma Schlamm, Program Coordinator

By ETR | August 1, 2019

Emma Schlamm’s got activism in her blood. Born and raised in New York City, she shares a birthday with both Malcom X and Ho Chi Minh. Following her urban upbringing, she chose a small town community for college—Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the heart of Amish country. “This was a fascinating experience for someone with a big-city background,” she recalls, “and it fueled my interest in learning about other cultures and communities.”

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Tags: Staff profile, Global health, Women's health, Social justice, YTH Initiative, ETR staff
Youth Innovation in HIV Prevention: Lift-Off for Project LIYT
July 25, 2019

Youth Innovation in HIV Prevention: Lift-Off for Project LIYT

By Chris Wilson-Smith & Michael Everett, MHS | July 25, 2019
HIV/Sexual Health Trainer (CW-S) & Project Coordinator (ME), ETR

How do we celebrate the innovative spirit of youth? How do we encourage young people's creative leadership and put it to work to solve real-world problems? How do we leverage youth interests and abilities in technology to amplify their power?

ETR’s YTH Initiative is delivering a mentorship program that will do all of these things. Introducing Project LIYT (Leadership + Innovation + Youth + Technology)! 

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Tags: HIV treatment, HIV prevention, HIV, Mentorship, YTH Initiative, Youth voice, Youth empowerment, Youth
Global-Local Health: ETR's Bhupendra Sheoran Takes on TEDx
July 23, 2019

Global-Local Health: ETR's Bhupendra Sheoran Takes on TEDx

By ETR | July 23, 2019

Bhupendra Sheoran jumped into the health-tech arena early. Not to build ways for health care systems keep to keep better track of medical records or billing. Not to build programs that persuade health care providers to use iPads during patient visits. Rather, to build ways to support transformation and empowerment in communities, both locally and globally. We are delighted that Sheoran was invited to speak at the recent TEDxSantaClaraUniversity event.

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Tags: YTH Initiative, Technology, Global health
Our Bold Adventure: ETR & YTH Team Up to Change the World
July 17, 2019

Our Bold Adventure: ETR & YTH Team Up to Change the World

By Vignetta Charles, PhD & Bhupendra Sheoran, MD, MBA  | July 17, 2019
CEO (VC) and Vice President of Global Development (BS), ETR

We are beyond thrilled about the recent merger of ETR and YTH. Of course, a huge amount of practical footwork needed to be done. There are challenges, some anticipated and some not. There is discovery and confusion. Adjustments must be made.

But when we take a moment, take a breath, and think about where we are and how we see the road ahead, our overarching feeling is…excitement!

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Tags: Accessibility, Community partnerships, Collaboration, YTH Initiative, ETR
Advocating for Health: 2019 Capitol Information & Education Days
July 10, 2019

Advocating for Health: 2019 Capitol Information & Education Days

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA | July 10, 2019
Director of ATOD, ETR

We are natural advocates, those of us in the public health world. We talk to our children about tobacco. We encourage our family members to use sunscreen. We work every day to promote the health of our communities. Educating our elected representatives is a logical next step, given the advocacy we practice every day of our lives.

ETR’s ATOD team (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs) recently participated in California’s Capitol Information & Education (I&E) Days. 

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Tags: Flavored tobacco products, Tobacco prevention, Tobacco, Advocacy, ATOD
Cats, Semiotics and Effective Design Communication
June 26, 2019

Cats, Semiotics and Effective Design Communication

By ETR | June 26, 2019

Effective design communication is central to ETR’s mission. Our projects and products communicate health concepts so people can obtain the information, skills and opportunities they need to lead healthy lives. In fact, that’s language lifted directly out of our mission statement.

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Tags: Health communication, Design
Growth Mindset and Our All-Staff Retreat: A Format That Makes a Difference
June 21, 2019

Growth Mindset and Our All-Staff Retreat: A Format That Makes a Difference

By Coleen Cantwell, MPH | June 21, 2019
Vice-President, Business Development, ETR

ETR has brought considerable attention to creating a workplace culture that builds and sustains growth mindset over time. Our 2019 all-staff retreat offers a fine example of this. Our distributed workforce of 100 gathered for a full day in Santa Clara, CA, travelling from four worksites with co-located staff, and 25 remote locations across the nation.

Our retreats are not ordinary. They do not pay mere lip service to building organizational engagement. They do not bore. Neither do they entertain for a day and then take a break until next year.

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Tags: Growth mindset, Staff retreat, ETR
Engaging Youth in Program Planning
June 18, 2019

Engaging Youth in Program Planning

By ETR | June 18, 2019

It makes sense to engage young people in planning and implementing programs focused on youth. These steps can benefit organizations and communities as well as young people themselves. So…what do you do if you’re a believer, you want to see more youth engagement in your organization, but you’re under-resourced? Or your leadership isn’t on the same page? Or you’re just not sure how to proceed?

There are some fine resources that can offer guidance, but we’d like to suggest you start by watching this video from ETR Project Coordinator Alda Santana. 

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Tags: Videos, Youth Advisory Board, Youth, Youth empowerment, Youth voice, Youth programs
NSF Video Hall & Spanish Family Code Night: ETR Makes a Movie!
June 13, 2019

NSF Video Hall & Spanish Family Code Night: ETR Makes a Movie!

By David Manuel Torres | June 13, 2019
Research Assistant, ETR

Every year, the National Science Foundation (NSF) hosts a unique virtual event—a week-long STEM for All Video Showcase. In the videos, Principal Investigators, practitioners and researchers describe federally funded projects that seek to improve and innovate within STEM education. The brief videos are posted and viewed globally. This year, I joined up with ETR Senior Research Scientist Jill Denner and Senior Editor Marcia Quackenbush to create an ETR video for the NSF showcase. 

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Tags: Research, Computer science for all, Computer science education, Videos, NSF, STEM equity, STEM education, Equity in Tech
Health Education, Baseball and Satchel Paige: What's the Link?
June 11, 2019

Health Education, Baseball and Satchel Paige: What's the Link?

By Lance Sprague | June 11, 2019
Former Associate Publisher, ETR

It didn’t take long for Bill to figure out I was a baseball fan. One day he walked up to me and said, “Did I ever tell you about the time I hit a double off Satchel Paige?”

“What?!” I said.

Now, Satchel Paige was one of the greatest pitchers of all time—certainly the most legendary. 

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Tags: Baseball, Health education
High School Youth Design Innovative Tech Solutions for Better Mental Health
June 4, 2019

High School Youth Design Innovative Tech Solutions for Better Mental Health

By Laiah Idelson, MSPH | June 4, 2019
Strategic Partnerships & Innovation Lead, YTH Initiative, ETR

What happens when a motivated, creative group of high school juniors and seniors is asked, “How might we use technology to create an innovative solution to improve the mental health of young people?”

To answer this question, our team conducted nine workshops from January through April this year. Seventy-seven juniors and seniors at De Anza High School in Richmond, CA, joined in. 

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Tags: YTH Initiative, STEM equity, Equity in Tech, High school, Youth, Youth centered health design, STEM education, YTH Live
The Women Deliver Conference is Coming & YTH Initiative Will Be There, Delivering!
May 31, 2019

The Women Deliver Conference is Coming & YTH Initiative Will Be There, Delivering!

By ETR | May 31, 2019

We are all members of a global society. We are excited that ETR’s recent merger with YTH brings a deeper and more experienced global perspective to our organization’s work. YTH has a long history of international work with youth communities. The YTH Initiative presence at the upcoming Women Deliver conference demonstrates this beautifully.

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Tags: YTH Initiative, Conferences, Youth empowerment, YTH, International health, Youth-centered design
How Does Learning Fit Into #MeToo?
May 29, 2019

How Does Learning Fit Into #MeToo?

By Ahna Suleiman, DrPH | May 29, 2019
AYSRH, Developmental Science & Youth Engagement Consultant

Consent is complicated. And learning about consent is even more so. Thinking back over conversations and experiences I’ve had the last six months, I am struck by how truly complicated it is.

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Tags: Romantic relationships, Sex education, Scaffolding, Sexual and reproductive health, Affirmative consent, Developmental relationships, Adolescent development, Kirby summit
Parents and Sex Education - It's Magical!
May 23, 2019

Parents and Sex Education - It's Magical!

By Barb Flis | May 23, 2019
Founder, Parent Action for Healthy Kids

I am approaching my 15th year of helping parents talk to their kids about sex. It’s hard for me to fathom that this equates to several hundred workshops, impacting thousands of parents and supportive adults. The parents from those early years now have adult children and, in many cases, even grandchildren.

I’ve been fortunate to have had contact with some alum who tell me how much our workshop affected them. 

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Tags: Kirby summit, Adolescents, Sex education, Parents
Behavioral Economics in Tobacco Prevention
May 21, 2019

Behavioral Economics in Tobacco Prevention

By ETR | May 21, 2019

How do we make choices about our behaviors? How do we judge the potential risks and benefits of a decision to, for example, use tobacco products?

In 2002, psychologist Daniel Kahneman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for demonstrating that the answers to these questions are found through an integration of psychology and economics. 

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Tags: Videos, Tobacco prevention, TECC
Qualitative Research: Helping to Move Health Equity Forward
May 16, 2019

Qualitative Research: Helping to Move Health Equity Forward

By ETR's Qualitative Evaluation Sub-Core Group | May 16, 2019

Advancing health equity is one of ETR’s core values. We are part of a movement to improve health and education outcomes for all communities. Qualitative research—the kind that asks questions, gathers stories and provides rich contextual information—is a valuable tool in this work.

Qualitative research helps us better understand how communities see themselves, their future, their history, and the ways they change over time. It gives us information about structural and social influences and how these affect individuals, neighborhoods and society at large. This is essential knowledge as we engage in efforts to address inequities.

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Tags: Health equity, Research
Research-Practice Partnerships: Sharing Data Where It Matters
May 13, 2019

Research-Practice Partnerships: Sharing Data Where It Matters

By David Manuel Torres | May 13, 2019
Research Assistant, ETR

For most people, “data” is a four-letter word—not many enjoy looking at distributions and comparing percentages. Even fewer like to do so at the end of an hour-long meeting on a Tuesday morning. It’s data. If you’re not into statistics, it can be confusing. It isn’t always clear how it’s going to be useful in the real world.

Still, there are times when data need to be discussed. 

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Tags: Digital Nest, STEM equity, Research practice partnership, Research, STEM education

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