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Our Focus

Our multidisciplinary staff of health educators, program developers, trainers, curriculum specialists, writers, editors, graphic artists, librarians, publication and distribution experts, technologists and social scientists work to transform outcomes in four primary areas.

HIV, Sexual &
Reproductive Health

Since our founding in 1981, ETR has been committed to promoting the sexual and reproductive health of young people and communities in the U.S. and internationally.

Equity & Inclusion

ETR is known for our expertise in research, evaluation and program strategies to increase equity and inclusion in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.

Health & Wellness

ETR creates science-based solutions to address the most critical health and wellness problems facing students in primary, secondary, and post-secondary education.

Alcohol, Tobacco
& Other Drugs

ETR works with local and state agencies to provide services that improve the health of communities impacted by alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

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