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  • {{orderItem.sku.product.baseProductType == "subscription" && orderItem.sku.subscriptionBenefits.length ? "Subscription: " + orderItem.sku.subscriptionBenefits[0].subscriptionBenefitName : orderItem.sku.product.productType.productTypeName}}
  • {{orderItem.sku.skuDefinition}}
{{(orderItem.bundleExtendedPriceAfterDiscount / orderItem.quantity) | currency}} {{orderItem.sku.displayPrice | currency}}
{{swfSkuListing.currentUnitPrice | currency}} Sale {{swfSkuListing.currentUnitPrice | currency}}
You Save {{swfSkuListing.discountPercentage}}%
Sku Code: {{child.sku.skuCode}}

SKU Defintion Label: {{child.sku.skuDefinition}}

{{child.extendedUnitPriceAfterDiscount | currency}}

Promotion successfully added.
Promotion successfully removed.
{{appliedPromoCode.promotion.promotionName}} X
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  • Item Discount Total
  • Tax
  • Shipping and handling
  • Order Discount Total
  • Order Total
{{slatwall.requests['placeOrder'].errors.runPlaceOrderTransaction.join(" ").replace(" Declined", " Your card was declined.")}}

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