Youth Curricula Plan A

An entertainment-education video intervention to reduce unplanned pregnancies and STIs
This 23-minute, entertainment-education video was developed to reduce unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among African-American and Latina young women ages 18 to 19, although it may be used for ages 15 to 20. Plan A is an effective, brief intervention that is simple to implement with fidelity and highly engaging to young women.
The Plan A video includes relatable characters to deliver information and model behaviors regarding pregnancy and HIV/STI risk and risk-reduction strategies. It covers risk perception; contraceptive options, including dual contraception and emergency contraception; condom use and negotiation skills; the importance of testing; and how to discuss these important topics with a health care provider. Research has shown that effective patient-provider communication is associated with positive patient outcomes, including HIV/STI testing.
Plan A was originally designed to be watched by reproductive health clinic patients before their provider visit, offering an important opportunity to increase the effectiveness of the patient-provider interaction, but is suitable for implementation in a wide range of other settings as well, such as classrooms and outreach. A link to Plan A can also be texted or emailed to young women to watch on their own devices.