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ETR's multidisciplinary research staff is nationally recognized for our work in education and public health. Our research explores innovative strategies for improving the health and well-being of youth, families and communities.

Our Approach

ETR's approach is based on the philosophy of linking research to practice through quantitative and qualitative methods. Our research ranges from large scale randomized control trials to exploratory studies and research syntheses. We are committed to producing high-quality research that can be effectively applied to real world contexts. Learn more about our research in HIV, sexual & reproductive health, equity and inclusion in STEM, school-based health and wellness and alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

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Our Services

ETR's research is conducted with funding from federal and state agencies and private foundations. In addition, our researchers and scientists are available for consultation, keynotes and presentations on research methods and in our areas of content expertise.

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Video: Retention in HIV Care

ETR is dedicated to building effective, evidence-based interventions at the community level that can prevent the acquisition and transmission of HIV. Learn more about strategies to help keep people with HIV connected to care in this video by Research Associate BA Laris.

Getting (and Keeping) Girls Involved in Computer Science

How do you design, run and support a voluntary, outside-of school computer science class or workshop that will engage K-12 girls? Here are some tips on how you can get girls excited to learn computing!

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