As a funded Office of Population Affairs Hub, innovation is defined as a broad spectrum of new or adapted products, programming, strategies, approaches, interventions, policies, and practices that aim to prevent unintended teen pregnancy, prevent STIs among adolescents, and promote positive youth development. It is not limited to a curriculum.
The RYSE Innovation Hub is a hybrid hub, meaning we will support both incubator and accelerator IDTs that are in various stages of innovation development. As a hybrid hub, we can support IDTs with developing their innovations from concept to scale.
Yes, you may apply to multiple Innovation Hubs. Applying to more than one Innovation Hub will not impact your chance of being selected. Innovation Hubs will be coordinating to ensure that Innovation Development Teams (IDTs) selected are the best fit for their model and approach.
Currently, we are only accepting applications from IDTs that have a prototype for their innovation. However, please still complete the interest form so we can notify you of future cohorts that may include those without an innovation.
Each team will be awarded $90,000 to engage in cohort activities and innovation development. Your team can decide to allocate the funding you receive as an IDT in the most effective manner to achieve your goals and objectives for the cohort year.
Yes. Participation with Innovation Hubs is not limited to TPP or Title X grantees.
Your IDT should include youth/young people as part of the IDT, and your IDT should reflect the population you are trying to reach overall. Examples of youth inclusion include full-time staff, part-time staff, or youth advisory board member. For our Hub, youth or young people includes anyone up to the age of 24. There is no specific number of team members required for each IDT.
We are accepting one application per innovation. If an organization has multiple innovations they want to develop, you must apply separately for each innovation.
Yes. As a hybrid hub, we can support IDTs with developing their innovations from concept to scale.
We will work with IDTs who are at any stage of their innovation development. However, for our first cohort, we are only accepting applications from IDTs that have a prototype of their innovation.
Yes. We can support IDTs who are farther along in their innovation development, including testing.
No, you should continue any work being done on your product. If accepted into our Hub, we will work together to create a work plan that honors your current work and build on it.
IDT history is not a deciding factor. However, your IDT should be comprised of youth and those with lived and/or professional experience of the population your innovation is serving.
Yes. Since the RYSE Innovation Hub values youth at the center of our programs, we would support you in bringing your innovation to younger users/students.
For our hub, youth or young people includes anyone up to the age of 24.
While deliverables will depend on the stage of development, the RYSE Hub team will work with each IDT to develop work plans. Each selected IDT will be part of a one-year cohort of IDTs. It is possible to re-apply for another cohort.
We plan to have an in-person Demo Day towards the end of each cohort. In addition, in-person technical assistance, site visits, or training may be available depending on funding.
Our Hub staff will work with your IDT to develop a work plan based on your stage of innovation and goals for the one year.