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Working WIth Youth - Youth-Adult Relationships

Bringing Developmental Relationships Home: Tips and Relationship Builders

Bringing Developmental Relationships Home: Tips and Relationship Builders

Every family can strengthen developmental relationships. This booklet offers everyday ideas and activities parenting adults can use to build developmental relationships in their families. Available on the Search Institute's Don't Forget the Families page.

By Search Institute (2015)
Tags: Developmental relationships

Fostering School Connectedness: For Teachers and Other School Staff

Fostering School Connectedness: For Teachers and Other School Staff

Strategies and actions teachers and other school staff can take to increase school connectedness.

By CDC DASH 2009

Helping Teens Develop Healthy Social Skills and Relationships: What the Research Shows About Navigating Adolescence

Helping Teens Develop Healthy Social Skills and Relationships: What the Research Shows About Navigating Adolescence

A review of more than 360 research studies detailing intervention strategies found to be effective.

By Hair, E, Jager, J (Child Trends) 2002

Incorporating Strategies for Engaging Young People

Incorporating Strategies for Engaging Young People (Tip Sheet)

Tip sheet for OAH / ACYF / FYSB grantees. Outlines elements of youth engagement and explains why it's important. Includes brief examples from the field of successful techniques.

By OAH 2011

Parent-Child Communication Tip Sheet

Parent-Child Communication Tip Sheet

Tip sheet with ideas for practitioners who want to integrate parent-child communication into their program. Reviews what we know about the benefits of strong positive parent-adolescent communication. 

By FYSB 2016

Parent-Teen Activity Series

Parent-Teen Activity Series

Wide variety of activity ideas categorized by skill or benefit. Each activity explains the benefit to the parent-teen relationship.

By Alabama Cooperative Extension System

Parenting Style and Parent-Child Connectedness Learning Activity

Parenting Style and Parent-Child Connectedness Learning Activity

Learning activities for parent-child connectedness


Relationships First: Creating Connections that Help Young People Thrive

Relationships First: Creating Connections that Help Young People Thrive

Summarizes recent research on developmental relationships; notes they are catalytic for effective education, programs and services for children, youth and families; includes 55 ideas for deepening one-to-one relationships.

By Roehlkepartain E, et al 2017

School Connectedness Resources

School Connectedness Resources

A variety of concrete resources for school administrators and staff, teachers, and parents to improve a child's feeling that adults and peers in the school care about their learning as well as about them as individuals—an important protective factor. 

By CDC DASH 2015

The Exchange

The Exchange

Forum to exchange information on order to advance knowledge, collaboration and partnerships to prep teens for the future.


The Keep Connected Program: Building Relationships to Help Your Child Thrive Through Adolescence

The Keep Connected Program: Building Relationships to Help Your Child Thrive Through Adolescence

Using Positive Reinforcement to Increase Connectedness Learning Activity

Using Positive Reinforcement to Increase Connectedness Learning Activity

Learning activities for using positive reinforcement to increase parent-teen (13-19) connectedness.


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