All Resources for Topic: Peer Relationships
A Checklist for Putting Positive Youth Development Characteristics into Action in Teen Pregnancy Prevention programs
A checklist for practitioners to assess how/whether their program integrates positive youth development and how to improve it. Includes selected related resources. By OAH
- By OAH
Adolescent Intimacy Revisited
Results highlight the importance of considering a developmental timetable for the maturation of relationships and social skills, as well as the need to acknowledge individual variability in patterns of friendship intimacy.
- By Shulman, S., Laursen, B., et al. (1997)
Adolescent peer relations, friendships, and romantic relationships: do they predict social anxiety and depression?
- By La Greca, A. M., & Harrison, A. M. (2005)
Adolescents' and their friends' health-risk behavior: factors that alter or add to peer influence.
- By Prinstein, M. J., Boergers, J., et al. (2001)
Assessing peer relations: A guide for out-of-school time program practitioners
Describes factors that promote positive peer relations and provides easy-to-use measures for assessing peer relations.
- By Terzian, M. 2012
Co-Rumination mediates contagion of internalizing symptoms within youths' friendships
- By Schwartz-Mette, R. A., & Rose, A. J. (2012)
Family and Friend Influence on Urban-Dwelling American Indian Adolescent Girls' Sexual Risk Behavior
- By Saftner, M. A. (2015)
Friends First? The Peer Network Origins of Adolescent Dating
Evidence that romantic relationships create bridges in friendship networks heightens their importance for the diffusion of health-risk behaviors, and should spark future research focused on the social contexts of adolescent romance and behavioral change.
- By Kreager, D. A., Molloy, L. E., et al. (2016)
Friends' Influence on Adolescents' First Sexual Intercourse
Programs focused on delaying teenage sexual intercourse should address norms for sexual behavior among adolescents' close friends.
- By Sieving, R. E., Eisenberg, M. E., et al. (2006)
Gay-Straight Alliances, Social Justice Involvement, and School Victimization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Youth: Implications for School Well-Being and Plans to Vote
- By Toomey, R. B., & Russell, S. T. (2013)
Gender Spectrum
- By Gender Spectrum
Helping Teens Develop Healthy Social Skills and Relationships: What the Research Shows About Navigating Adolescence
A review of more than 360 research studies detailing intervention strategies found to be effective.
- By Hair, E, Jager, J (Child Trends) 2002
Helping Teens Navigate Peer Relationships Take and Teach Lesson
Lesson plans for helping teens navigate peer relationships.
- By University of Minnesota Extension
High School Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) and Young Adult Well-Being: An Examination of GSA Presence, Participation, and Perceived Effectiveness
- By Toomey, R. B., Ryan, C., et al. (2011)
Improving the paradigm of approaches to adolescent sexual and reproductive health
Suggests an approach grounded in the principles of positive youth development to reduce risk factors and improve the protective factors that contribute to adolescents’ successful and healthy transition into adulthood.
- By Plourde, K. F., Fischer, S., et al. (2016)
Longitudinal Associations Between Seuxal Communication with Friends and Sexual Behaviors Through Percieved Sexual Peer Norms
By Nogueira Avelar e Silva, R., Raat, H., Reitz, E., Plat, M., Deković, M., & Van De Bongardt, D. (2019)
Multiple dimensions of peer influence in adolescent romantic and sexual relationships-a descriptive qualitative perspective
Youth described that platonic peers (friends) influenced their relationships and sexual behavior including pressuring friends into relationships, establishing relationships as currency for popularity and social status, and creating relationship norm and expectations.
- By Suleiman, A. B., & Deardorff, J. (2015)
OAH Healthy Relationships Website
Overview and statistics for stakeholders, researchers, practitioners Includes state by state data and resources in these topics: Dating and Sexual Relationships, Bullying, LGBT, Dating Violence, Healthy Friendships, Talking With Teens.
Peer Mentoring: Harnessing Positive Influence
Tip sheet for how to use peer mentoring to improve youth health outcomes
- By FYSB 2015
Peer Rejection as a Precursor of Romantic Dysfunction in Adolescence: Can Friendships Protect?
- By Schacter, H. L., Lessard, L. M., & Juvonen, J. (2019)
Predictors of Early Initiation of Sexual Intercourse Among High-Risk Adolescents
- By French, D. C., & Dishion, T. J. (2003)
Relationships First: Creating Connections that Help Young People Thrive
Summarizes recent research on developmental relationships; notes they are catalytic for effective education, programs and services for children, youth and families; includes 55 ideas for deepening one-to-one relationships.
- By Roehlkepartain E, et al 2017
Sexual Communication Between Early Adolescents and Their Dating Partners, Parents, and Best Friends
- By Widman, L., Choukas-Bradley, S., et al. (2014)
Sexual risk, substance use, mental health, and trauma experiences of gang-involved homeless youth
- By Petering, R. (2016)
Sibling Influence on Mexican-Origin Adolescents' Deviant and Sexual Risk Behaviors: The Role of Sibling Modeling
- By Whiteman, S. D., Zeiders, K. H., et al. (2014)
Teen Dating Violence: How Peers Can Affect Risk & Protective Factors
Research summary that concludes programs aimed at preventing teen dating violence or promoting healthy teen relationships more broadly are likely to be most effective if they take into consideration the potential ways in which peers and peer contexts shape teens’ experiences within close relationships.
- By Oudekerk B, et al 2014
Teens, Technology and Friendship
By Lenhart, A., Smith, A., Anderson, M., Duggan, M. & Perrin, A. (2015)
The Exchange
Forum to exchange information on order to advance knowledge, collaboration and partnerships to prep teens for the future.
The Influence of Dating Relationships on Friendship Networks, Identity Development and Delinquency
- By Seffrin, P. M., Giordano, P. C., et al. (2009)
The quality of adolescent friendships: long-term effects?
Adolescents who reported greater levels of intimacy with friends do not, as adults, indicate that they have significantly higher self-esteem, better relations with their parents, or increased marital satisfaction.
- By Giordano, P. C., Cernkovich, S. A., et al. (1998)
The quality of peer relationships among children exposed to family violence.
- By McCloskey, L. A., & Stuewig, J. (2001)
The Social Environment and Childbearing Expectations: Implications for Strengh-Based Sexual Health Interventions for Latino Youth
- By vanDommelen-Gonzalez, E., Deardorff, J., et al. (2016)
Urban American Indian Adolescent Girls: Framing Sexual Risk Behavior
- By Saftner, M. A., et al. (2015)
Violence Exposure and Teen Dating Violence Among African American Youth
- By Black, B. M., Chido, L. M., et al. (2014)