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There are 2 item(s) tagged with the keyword "peer education".

1. Thriving Communities, Empowered Youth: Making Teen Pregnancy Prevention Work

By Shaunae Motley | June 20, 2017
Director of Programs, Quest for Change

Every May, our communities mark National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month. It’s a fine opportunity to reflect on the difference prevention work makes in the lives of young people. Since peaking in 1991, teen births have dropped 64%. This historic decline includes significant progress in all 50 states and among all racial and ethnic groups.

However, despite these advances, disparities continue to exist—by age, race and ethnicity, geography and among youth from low-income families. 

Tags: adolescent health, peer education, Youth voice, Adolescents, Rural communities, Pregnancy prevention

2. Re:MIX: Genuine Innovation in a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program

By Mandy Ackerman, LMSW, MPH & Jenifer DeAtley, LMSW | June 14, 2017
Senior Program Coordinator & Director of U.S. Programs, EngenderHealth

Here’s a story that gives us chills—the good kind. A group of our peer educators presented a plenary at a local conference. They shared their personal stories before an audience of about 100 youth-serving professionals from the Central Texas community.

These peer educators are all young mothers. 

Tags: Adolescent health, Sexual and reproductive health, peer education, Pregnancy prevention, Teen parents, Teen moms

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