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There are 5 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Workplace wellness".

1. Remote Workers Engage! 6 Ways to Stay Connected

By Tracy Wright, MAEd | September 10, 2018

Trees, mountains, sky. That’s what I see from the window of my home in Golden, Colorado. I love it. Being able to live and work here is one of the splendid benefits of being a remote worker.

Tags: Distributed workforce, Workplace wellness
By Tracy Wright, MAEd

2. ETR: A Family Business

By Shawn Del Carlo | August 28, 2018
Warehouse Senior Supervisor, ETR

ETR is a non-profit. In some ways, we’re also a sort of family business. I’ve worked here for 21 years, and during that time, we’ve hired lots of employees’ kids, nieces, nephews and friends.

Sometimes people come for temp jobs, and sometimes they’re hired in standard positions. This has been good. I think it’s built a closer sense of connection among staff.

Tags: Healthy organization, Families, Workplace wellness, ETR staff
By Shawn Del Carlo

3. Inspiration Time: Work, Life, Pets

Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | July 10, 2018

How do you do what you do? How do you keep going? Where do you find your inspiration?

Most of us doing mission-focused work have a range of answers. We connect with family. Read. Exercise. Stay active in a spiritual community. See friends. Take long walks on the beach.

Tags: Pets, Life lessons, Workplace wellness
By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES

4. Celebrate! Restore! Connect!

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | December 19, 2017

ETR values Workplace Wellness—and a way to live those values is to ensure that our incredibly hardworking team takes a well-deserved break for the holidays. We close down December 23 and open again January 2, 2018. As we come upon our annual all-staff mini-sabbatical, I’d like to share three wishes from ETR to you.

Tags: Workplace wellness, Self care

5. ETR Steps Forward for Weekly #WorkplaceWellness

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | May 17, 2017

Something new is brewing here at ETR. No, I’m not talking about our new CEO (that would be me). Nor am I talking about our group of new hires, although they are all very cool (and, BTW, we do have several current openings).

I’m talking about walking. Stepping up. Living our values. It’s ETR’s very own weekly step challenge, and it’s helping us make some impressive changes within our own workplace.

Tags: Workplace wellness, Physical activity, Healthy organization
By Vignetta Charles, PhD

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