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There are 5 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Women".

1. At the White House: The United State of Women Summit

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | June 29, 2016

POTUS was there. FLOTUS was there. Joe Biden and Oprah were there, along with Amy Poehler and Gloria Steinem.

And so was ETR.

Earlier this month, the White House and partners put on the United State of Women Summit. I had the privilege of speaking there on a panel about women and HIV sponsored by the White House Office of National AIDS Policy. The summit focused on health and wellness, economic empowerment, educational opportunity, violence against women, entrepreneurship and innovation, and leadership and civic engagement.

Tags: Womens Health, White House, Women, HIV, HIV prevention, Continuum of care
By Vignetta Charles, PhD

2. WILLOW Women On the HIV Front Lines

By Jacqueline Peters | April 21, 2016

I am an excited and fortunate woman. I recently completed the process to become a Certified Trainer for the WILLOW program. I’m meeting some incredible people and being given the opportunity to make a genuine difference in the HIV prevention effort. And after my experiences so far, I know one thing for certain. In WILLOW, people have stories to tell. 

Tags: HIV-AIDS, Community Impact Solutions Project, HIV, Women, WILLOW, Training of trainers
By Jacqueline Peters

3. 6 Opportunities to Increase Diversity in STEM-Related Fields

By Kieren Jameson, MLIS | August 10, 2015

For most of my career, I've been a tech worker in nonprofits. I’ve worked mostly within majority-women workplaces. That means that I've seen more women in leadership and technology-related roles than is the norm in corporate America.

I think this is why, until the past few years, I’d completely missed the appalling lack of ethnic and gender diversity in STEM-related workplaces.

Once I opened my eyes and looked beyond my sheltered nonprofit world, the numbers were pretty clear. This is what they tell me: we have a serious diversity problem in tech. 

Tags: STEM, Diversity in technology, Women, Technology education
By Kieren Jameson, MLIS

4. My Take: Culture, Storylines & Women - Diversifying Tech Education

By Louise Ann Lyon, PhD | November 11, 2014

Everywhere we turn, articles warn of the imminent loss of U.S. preeminence in science, technology, engineering and math fields. How frustrating, then, that computer science has actually experienced a slow decrease in the percentage of female undergraduates over the past 20 years. This trend cannot serve the field, the nation or our future. We need to diversify tech education if we wish to take advantage of our abundant local talent.

Tags: College, Women, Technology, STEM
By Louise Ann Lyon, PhD

5. Cool Tools: Girls and Women in Tech

By ETR | October 22, 2014

Ready to support greater participation of girls and women in computing and technology? Looking for some great resources to help in the effort? NCWIT has what you seek!

Tags: Technology, STEM, Girls, Women

Displaying: 1 - 5 of 5

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