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There are 30 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Technology".

11. How to Talk with Students About Electronic Dating Violence

By Pamela Anderson, PhD, & Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES  | June 22, 2016
Senior Research Associate & Senior Editor, ETR

Originally published at EdSurge.

Teens, tweens and even younger kids are on smartphones, tablets and computers a lot. Of course, tech can be a force for good. Parents, educators and youth themselves report many benefits from the presence of technology in young people’s lives—connecting with family and friends, sharing experiences with distant peers, learning, being entertained and more.

Tags: Electronic dating violence, Violence prevention, Teens, Technology
By Pamela Anderson, PhD

12. Reprise: Social Justice, Technology and Meaning

By Yethzell Diaz | May 5, 2016 (first published April 17, 2014)
Education Manager, Digital Nest

Editor's note: In 2014, when Yethzell Diaz was a Research Assistant here at ETR, she wrote this column about technology and social justice. Recently, she accepted a position at Digital Nest. This seemed a perfect moment to re-post one of our favorite contributions to the ETR Blog. Thanks, Yethzell, for all the fine work you did for ETR, and best of luck over at the Nest! 

First, let me be clear about something. I am not a techie. At all. The first time I interacted with a computer was probably in seventh grade. Technology stuff was completely foreign to me. My family and friends didn’t know about it. And there wasn’t someone we could turn to for guidance.

I did, however, become a student at University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), majoring in sociology, and at one point I desperately needed to get into a popular class. A hundred students were competing for ten open spots. How was I going to swing it?

Tags: Diversity in technology, Research, Technology, Social justice

13. Embracing 12 Grand Challenges for Social Work to Transform Schools & Communities

By John Shields, PhD, MSW | February 16, 2016
Senior Research Associate, ETR

Last month, I attended the annual conference of the Society for Social Work & Research (SSWR) in Washington, DC. I saw some dear old friends and colleagues, attended a few lavish university receptions (free crab cakes, anyone?), and heard some great presentations on new science in the field of social work. But one session stands out—the launch of the Grand Challenges for Social Work Initiative.

Tags: Research, Evaluation, Big data, K-12, Technology
By John Shields, PhD, MSW

14. Losing the "E" in E-Learning

By Tamara Neff, MA | July 13, 2015
E-Learning Curriculum Developer, ETR

As technology is further integrated into our daily lives (and our very beings), so it has become an essential part of the learning experience. We see it from early childhood development on through emerging K-12 education standards. We find it in popular online higher education and professional development programs.

Technology continues to enhance and improve the quality and quantity of learning opportunities available to an ever-widening population of learners. This is true to such an extent, the “E” in E-learning is becoming redundant. Many of us in the field might assert that it already has done so.

Tags: E-learning, Technology
By Tamara Neff, MA

15. OMG Who's Texting Me Now? New Research on Electronic Dating Violence

By Pamela Anderson, PhD | May 4, 2015
Senior Research Associate, ETR

I think most of us can remember the first time we had a crush on someone. I do. It was Axl Rose, lead singer for the band Guns N’ Roses. Much to my family’s chagrin, I had his pictures splashed across my bedroom walls. I played his music virtually nonstop for months, while imagining what it would be like to be his girlfriend.

Tags: Electronic dating violence, Health education, Sexual and reproductive health, Technology
By Pamela Anderson, PhD

16. Taking Off to #ythlive 2015

By Pamela Anderson, PhD | April 23, 2015
Senior Research Associate, ETR

Hi everyone! My colleagues and I are excited about the upcoming conference YTH Live: Igniting Youth Tech Health Innovation. It’s taking place this Sunday through Tuesday (April 26–28) at the Hotel Kabuki in San Francisco, and we’ve got some thought-provoking presentations on the schedule.

Ever wondered who youth are texting and what they are saying?

Tags: YTH, Blended learning, Flipped classroom, Violence prevention, Electronic dating violence, Technology
By Pamela Anderson, PhD

17. Inspiration and Evangelism

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | April 2, 2015
Senior Editor, ETR

What inspires you in your work? I often ask this about our tribe—this group of people making the front-line effort in the world of health education and promotion.

I think most of us love working for a mission. And I also think that for most people, the work sometimes gets tedious or challenging.

That’s why I totally LOVE this video by ETR’s Digital Solutions Manager, Kieren Jameson. 

Tags: Technology, Technology education, Inspiration, Diversity in technology
By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES

18. Video Picks - Women & Tech, Vaping & Health

By ETR | December 15, 2014

Check out a couple of our favorites from the videos that have crossed our screens recently. The first inspires us to boost leadership roles for women in technology. The second gives us the true scoop about e-cigarettes and health.

Well worth watching!

Tags: Technology, Gender, E-cigarettes

19. Finding the Answers: A Look at Research Synthesis

By Erica Marsh | December 3, 2014

In my family, libraries were more than buildings that housed and loaned books. They were places with unrestricted access to incredible tools. They nurtured our passion for finding, organizing and sharing information. 

Knowledge is serious stuff in my family. My grandmother, mother and sister were librarians. My father was an American Literature professor and author. My younger brother currently works at a library.

When I was growing up, whenever a question came up that my parents didn’t know the answer to, my mom would say, “Let’s find out!” She would call the reference desk at the local public library. We called this number so often it was posted by the phone.

Tags: Research, Technology, Evidence-based interventions, STEM, Gender
By Erica Marsh

20. My Take: Culture, Storylines & Women - Diversifying Tech Education

By Louise Ann Lyon, PhD | November 11, 2014

Everywhere we turn, articles warn of the imminent loss of U.S. preeminence in science, technology, engineering and math fields. How frustrating, then, that computer science has actually experienced a slow decrease in the percentage of female undergraduates over the past 20 years. This trend cannot serve the field, the nation or our future. We need to diversify tech education if we wish to take advantage of our abundant local talent.

Tags: College, Women, Technology, STEM
By Louise Ann Lyon, PhD

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 30

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