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There are 6 item(s) tagged with the keyword "STDs".

1. Keep Moving Forward: Responding to High STD Rates

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | November 10, 2016
Senior Editor, ETR

STD rates are up. The CDC noted in a recent press release that reported STDs are at an “unprecedented high” in the U.S.

This sort of news is undeniably discouraging for those of us working the sexual and reproductive health arena. After all, we’ve been feeling rather upbeat and hopeful about the impressive drop in unplanned teen pregnancies—rates are down more than half over the past 20 years. 

Tags: STDs, STD prevention, PrEP, Science
By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES

2. Say It With Research: 4 Ways to Deliver Effective STD Messaging for Youth

By Cody Sigel, MPH, CHES | May 19, 2016

The history of sex education in the United States is fraught with horror stories, from fear-based tactics to blatant misinformation. Sadly, ineffective sex education is not a thing of the past. A recent CDC report shows that most middle and high schools around the country are not implementing effective approaches to sexuality education. It’s no surprise that statistics about the impact of STDs on young people are discouraging.

Tags: STDs, STD prevention, Research, Evidence-informed interventions, Youth
By Cody Sigel, MPH, CHES

3. STI? STD? What's the Difference?

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | June 18, 2015

If your work involves talking to people about sexual health, you must be talking to them about STDs. Or STIs. Or both. Right?

As the great STD-STI terminology challenge continues, just about everyone has had to choose one term or the other. Well, everyone except for the people who use both interchangeably to mean the same thing. Or those folks who use each in distinct ways to mean different things.

I asked a few of my ETR colleagues to share their current thinking and preferred term for their work. Here’s what they had to say. 

Tags: STDs, Terminology
By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES

4. Mediation Analysis: Learning What Works in STI/Pregnancy Prevention Programs

By ETR | November 4, 2014

In ETR's latest video, Senior Research Associate Jill Glassman, PhD, makes a complex and powerful statistical process understandable. Mediation analysis allows evaluators to determine which specific factors in an evidence-based intervention had the greatest impact on participants. Dr. Glassman also explains how important this work can be in helping us determine what approaches to STI/pregnancy prevention work best.

Tags: Evidence-based interventions, ETR, STDs, Pregnancy prevention, Research
By Jill Glassman, PhD

5. My Take: Seeing Relationships: Best Next Steps in STD/HIV/Pregnancy Prevention

By Karin Coyle, PhD

ETR's research team is testing some exciting new programs that ask middle and high school students to consider the ways romantic relationships influence their sexual choices and risks. We call this “contextualizing” sexual and reproductive health education—that is, using the context of relationships to build health-promoting information, attitudes and behaviors.

Tags: HIV-AIDS, Sexual and reproductive health, Teens, Sex education, STDs, Pregnancy prevention, Evidence-based interventions
By Karin Coyle, PhD

6. Thinking Research: 40-Year-Old Single Male Seeks Fun Sex

By Anne Freiwald, MPH | March 18, 2014

I recently found myself at the 40th birthday party of a male friend. At the end of the evening, I was the only woman at the table, listening to male friends discuss online dating, sexual activities and preferences. They were comparing notes on how to meet new partners, including the use of some cool new dating apps. Most of these men were newly divorced or separated, and it was what some might call a racy conversation—each wanting to outdo the other.

The conversation was rich with the sorts of questions, assumptions and perceptions researchers like me get lost in. I was listening for themes and thinking about areas where I needed to gather additional information.

My inner researcher sat up and started asking myself questions. “What do STD rates look like among men in this age cohort?” “How likely is condom use in this population?” “How would they know if had a STD?” “Where would they get checked? Would they get checked?”

Tags: Men, Sexual and reproductive health, STDs
By Anne Freiwald, MPH

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