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There are 34 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Pregnancy prevention".

21. Preventing Teen Pregnancy: Sharing a Message of Hope and Resilience

By Raymond Blossom | June 2, 2016
Prevention Supervisor, Touchstone Health Services Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program

Note: Raymond Blossom participated in a recent training delivered by ETR Professional Development staff. We asked him to share some of his reflections after the event.

I grew up in the South Bay area of San Diego, California. There is a lot to witness there, a lot to learn and a lot to take in.

It is true there are beautiful beaches and weather that makes you never want to leave. But outside looking in, you may not see the lives lost too often to gang violence, families struggling to make ends meet, and the lack of opportunity for many young men and women.

As a teen, some of my closest friends were becoming parents before high school graduation. I never imagined I would one day have the opportunity to teach prevention and sexual health to teens, and to let young men and women know they do not have to become a statistic. 

Tags: Teens, Pregnancy prevention, Professional development

22. Sex Ed in America--the Good News

Suzanne Schrag | August 13, 2015
Editor/Product Manager, ETR

John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight segment on Sex Education has certainly been getting some air play around the country, as well as here at the ETR offices. If you haven’t yet seen it, it’s well worth watching. (Note: Language may not be suitable for work—use your headphones just in case.)

Oliver points out the glaring inconsistencies in what young people in the United States are being—and not being—taught about sex. He offers up a very funny video at the end of the segment that would truly be a huge improvement to many of those that have been shown in sex ed classrooms across the U.S.

There’s plenty of bite, of course, in pointing out what’s not working, or what’s just plain wrong, about sexuality education in this country. But what is the best way to give kids the straight-up facts in a manner that will actually shape their choices and influence their behaviors?

Tags: Sex education, Sexual and reproductive health, Pregnancy prevention, STD prevention
By Suzanne Schrag

23. Taking the Stigma Out of Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood: What Schools Can Do

By Brittany D. Chambers, MPH, CHES | July 28, 2015
Doctoral Student, University of North Carolina, Greensboro | 2014 Kirby Summer Intern, ETR

When you think about adolescent pregnancy, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Most people think about the negative issues.

“Dropping out of high school.”

“Depending on government assistance."



Tags: Teen moms, Teen parents, Pregnancy prevention, Stigma
By Brittany D. Chambers, MPH, CHES

24. "Shocking" News: Pregnancy More Likely in LGB Teens!

By Annika Shore, MPH | May 28, 2015
Professional Development Consultant, ETR

A study has recently come out that has everyone in my field talking. I’ve seen posts about it in newsletters and blogs about it on social media. Announcements were made in all my professional networks. This new study shows that lesbian, gay and bisexual teens are more likely to experience a pregnancy than their heterosexual counterparts.

I was happy to see that this new research was getting people in my community talking about an issue I care deeply about: the health and well-being of youth—especially the health and well-being of youth who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. However, this is not new information. This research confirms something we have known for many years and is not, in fact, “shocking.”

The shock people are feeling, I think, is due to the fact that this study requires us to reflect on our own assumptions about the lives and sexual behaviors of young people.

Tags: Sexual and reproductive health, Professional development, Pregnancy prevention, LGBTQ
By Annika Shore, MPH

25. Enabling Young People to Thrive: ETR's Program Success Framework

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | March 25, 2015
Senior Editor, ETR

ETR's got a great video collection. In brief, lively clips, our staff and partners talk about the work we do—products, services and research findings. You can watch them on the "Videos" tab or at the ETR YouTube channel. One of my current favorites describes ETR's Program Success Framework.


Tags: Program Success Framework, Sustaining programs, Pregnancy prevention, Youth programs, Sexual and reproductive health
By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES

26. Impact for Change: ETR's Training & Technical Assistance for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs

By Annika Shore, MPH, & Amy Peterson, MSc | March 16, 2015
Professional Development Consultant, ETR & Project Coordinator, ETR

A well-designed professional development (PD) plan (training, technical assistance, ongoing support) provides the foundation for program tranformation and impact! In fact, our organization, founded 35 years ago, began with a training grant for teen pregnancy prevention programs.

While we have expanded into other areas since then, PD remains a fundamental component of ETR’s work. It’s one of the most important ways we support our clients and maintain our own culture of continuous learning. Our professional learning services are rooted in the belief that learning takes place over time. We view PD not as a one-time training event, but a process that occurs before and throughout the implementation stage.

Tags: Professional development, Program Success Framework, Sustaining programs, Pregnancy prevention, Teens
By Annika Shore, MPH, & Amy Peterson, MSc

27. Optimizing Skill Instruction in Sexual and Reproductive Health Education

By Karin Coyle, PhD | March 3, 2015
Senior Research Scientist, ETR

Most evidence-based sexual health programs include skill development as a core element. This underscores the value of optimizing instruction for skills. Education literature provides guidance on the optimal instructional sequence for teaching behavioral skills. There are a number of other important considerations for skill instruction that compliment this type of instructional sequence, and some common pitfalls to avoid.

Tags: Pregnancy prevention, STD prevention, Evidence-based interventions, Health education, Sexual and reproductive health
By Karin Coyle, PhD

28. “Birth Control Methods” – A New Format for Learning

By ETR | January 30, 2015

There are lots of birth control options. There’s a lot of information about each method, some of it pretty nuanced. There’s no one method that’s right for everyone.

We know this can be confusing, intimidating even, for anyone trying to make a good choice. So how do we get accurate information out there to more people?

Tags: Birth control, Pregnancy prevention, Teens, Young adults, Health education

29. How Do You Define Program Success?

By Stephanie Guinosso, MPH | January 27, 2015
Program Manager, ETR

How do you define program success?

From my perspective, a successful program is one that is created in partnership with key stakeholders in the community. It’s developed with the community’s needs in mind. It facilitates positive change in peoples’ lives by addressing multiple layers of an issue, from individual knowledge, attitudes and behaviors to the social and cultural structures within which people live, work and play.

A successful program relies on the best evidence for what works. It’s also flexible and adaptable to the uniqueness of a particular context. Successful programs cultivate the knowledge and skills of implementers to ensure that the program operates at its best capacity—there is a culture of learning and growth, adapting and responding to change. 

Tags: Pregnancy prevention, Teens, Evidence-based interventions, Program Success Framework
By Stephanie Guinosso, MPH

30. Resources That Make a Difference: Support for New OAH TPP Funding Proposals

By ETR | January 13, 2015

Just about everyone working in adolescent reproductive health has been waiting for the new Office of Adolescent Health Teen Pregnancy Prevention funding proposals. Start breathing again, people! The proposals have arrived!

ETR has just launched a very cool website to help grant seekers develop their plans, choose their programs and prepare their proposals. Check out our brand new Program Success Center for an impressive array of useful tools and resources.

Tags: Pregnancy prevention, Funding opportunities, OAH, TPP, Evidence-based interventions, Evaluation, Professional development

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 34

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