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There are 15 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Neuroscience".

1. 2017 Kirby Summit Doesn't Disappoint

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | May 24, 2017

A group of developmental neuroscientists walks into a room. They sit down with some sexual health experts. They all talk about ways to support healthy adolescent development.

What happens then? As it turns out, some pretty amazing things.

Tags: Research, Kirby summit, Neuroscience, Developmental neuroscience, Sexual and reproductive health, Sexual risk reduction
By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES

2. Disrupting What You Think You Know: Sex and the Teen Brain

By Karin Coyle, PhD | December 19, 2016

ETR is delighted to announce the release of our report on the 2016 Kirby Summit. If you work with adolescents to address sexual and reproductive health, I strongly encourage you to check it out.

Here’s why. We deliberately designed this invited Summit to challenge and disrupt what we thought we knew about adolescent health behaviors.

Report on the 2016 Kirby Summit

Peterson AJ, Coyle KK, Guinosso SA, Christopher DE, and Charles VE. Sex and the teen brain: Disrupting what we think we know. Scotts Valley, CA: ETR Associates, 2016. 

Tags: Research, Kirby Summit, Adolescents, Risk reduction, Neurodevelopment, Sexual and reproductive health, Neuroscience
By Karin Coyle, PhD

3. Youth Who Puzzle Us: Recent Work in Neuroscience Explains Why

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | August 29, 2016

Do you work with adolescents? Have you ever faced situations like these?

Sofia is an excellent student, popular on campus and a delightful member of your peer health educator program. She knows everything about birth control, STI prevention and making smart choices. She loves educating her peers. She and her boyfriend come to see you one afternoon and tell you they are pregnant.

Webinar: Survive or Thrive? Re-Envisioning Adolescent Success

We recently collaborated with the California School Based Health Alliance on a webinar describing and applying the new insights in developmental neuroscience. Our goal is to re-think and re-envision how we educate, raise and care for young people on their path to lifelong health and wellbeing. You can find links to the webinar recording and slides ("Survive or Thrive? Using Neuroscience to Re-Envision Adolescent Success") and information about other upcoming CSBHA webinars here.

Tags: Neurodevelopment, Neuroscience, Teens, Risk reduction
By Vignetta Charles, PhD

4. Memory and Learning: A Formula for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Impact!

By ETR | July 18, 2016
Note: We're posting about some of the presentations ETR researchers and professional development specialists are offering at the Office of Adolescent Health Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grantee Conference, July 19-20.

Learned anything new lately? Your brain is being bombarded by massive amounts of information every minute—sights, sounds, words, smells, sensations. What happens to all of that info? Thankfully, most of it is forgotten. Your brain takes a look at it and decides what to ignore and when to pay attention.

If you’re an implementer working with teens to build healthy skills for pregnancy prevention, you’ve got critical messages and skills you want these learners to attend to. What should you do? Use amazing brain science to make learning stick!

Debra Christopher, MSM and Tracy Wright, MAED. Memory and Learning: A Formula for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Impact! Wednesday 7/20/16, 3:30-5:00 p.m. Poster #107 in the Program Delivery & Improvement Section, East Foyer of the Key Ballroom.
Tags: Learning, Memory, Neuroscience, Pregnancy prevention, Adolescent health, OAH TPP

5. Kirby Summit Takes Off!

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | February 25, 2016

ETR’s inaugural Kirby Summit has started. While it’s not entirely clear what’s going to come out of this two-day event, I am certain it’s going to be powerful and different.

The Summit honors Doug Kirby, one of the greatest researchers the field of sexual and reproductive health has ever seen. Doug was also a senior research scientist here at ETR before his untimely death in 2012, and a colleague and true friend to many of us.

Doug had an insatiable curiosity and a love of civil debate. He’d certainly approve of this Summit! 

Tags: Neuroscience, Sexual and reproductive health
By Marcia Quackenbush MS, MFT, MCHES

6. It's Brain Awareness Week!

By Debra Christopher, MSM | March 16, 2015

What’s all the buzz about the brain?

The brain is our personal 3-pound universe. This small but powerful mass of neurons in your head allows you to read these words, comprehend their meaning, and, if you choose, integrate the meaning into long-term memory.

You may even decide to take some kind of action based on the content. Or, at any point in time, you may choose to scroll past this segment, even this entire column, if there is no cognitive “hook” for you.

All this in a matter of seconds. Astounding!

Tags: Neuroscience, Professional development, Learning theory
By Debra Christopher, MSM

7. "What Were You Thinking?" - What Developmental Neuroscience Tells Us About Adolescent Sexual Behavior

By Ahna Suleiman, DrPH | November 19, 2014

Every sex educator I know has stories about young people who’ve challenged their faith in our ability to change adolescent sexual behavior. For me, one of those stories is about a ninth grader named Rose.

Tags: Teens, Neuroscience, Sexual and reproductive health
By Ahna Suleiman, DrPH

8. Amazing Brain Science: You Have Cognitive Biases

By ETR | October 20, 2014

Do you have a sense of your biases and the ways they influence your thoughts and actions? There’s a good chance you’re less aware than you think you are.

Tags: Neuroscience

9. Amazing Brain Science: Great Brain Reads

By Debra Christopher, MSM

New research is giving us some powerful and creative ways to understand what our brains are doing (along with the brains of our students, trainees, clients, patients and colleagues). The principles of neuroscience can help us make a healthy difference in people’s lives.

Here are some of the books we’re reading right now that contribute to better understanding of how brains work. Highly recommended!

Tags: Neuroscience, Teens, Children

10. Cool Tools: Bring Neuroscience to the Classroom


Developmental neuroscience is a fast-moving field relevant to health behaviors, health education and learning. Find out about the Annenberg Learner online course for K-12 teachers, Neuroscience & the Classroom: Making Connections.

Tags: Neuroscience, K-12

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 15

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