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There are 28 item(s) tagged with the keyword "HealthSmart".

21. Summer's Ending and It's Time for Something New!

By John Henry Ledwith | August 17, 2017
Senior Sales Manager, ETR

Ah. The sun of summer is beginning to wane. Many of my conversations with colleagues are now centering around that classic fall event, “Return to the Classroom.” Teachers are resetting desks. They’re getting books in place. They’re reviewing and finalizing lesson plans.

All this to be ready for the first starting bell of the new school year.

Tags: HealthSmart, School health education, Elementary school, k-5

22. Tale of a Health Education Evangelist

By John Henry Ledwith | August 11, 2016
Senior Sales Manager, ETR

Someone asked me the other day, “Why are you such an evangelist for HealthSmart?” Actually, I get this question a lot. HealthSmart is ETR’s premiere health education program, and I talk about it all the time—not just as part of my job, but as part of my life.

Tags: K-12, School health education, HealthSmart

23. School Report: Why Peer Support Is Better Than Watching Your Own Back

By John Henry Ledwith  | March 9, 2016
Senior Sales Manager, ETR

I am a lucky man. I get to work with school health educators all over this fine country. That means I get to see some of the most inspired, inventive, dedicated work being done anywhere in the world. It’s work that has the potential to make a huge difference in the lives of kids and across communities.

Almost every day, I engage with people looking at how we can build communities that offer support to guide adolescents toward healthy choices. I often think about the force of peer groups as a social determinant of health. I’m fascinated by the power of peers to influence one another’s health, safety and future. Like most of my colleagues, I’m always asking how health educators can most effectively shape positive peer group values and norms.

And, like most of my colleagues, I also have concerns about the ways peer norms and values sometimes have negative effects.

Tags: K-12, Health education, Violence prevention, HealthSmart
By John Henry Ledwith

24. School Report: Planning for Unique Solutions

By John Henry Ledwith | February 11, 2016
Senior Sales Manager, ETR

It’s that time of year again. Early spring. Budget planning. Curriculum review committees. Educators at every level taking a look at what they’ve been doing and wondering if it’s time to try something new to reach their students more effectively.

As schools and districts make their projections and plans for the 2016-17 school year, the ETR crew starts to get calls from people all over the country. (After all, we’re the leading distributor of evidence-based prevention programs, as well as the publisher of the premiere comprehensive health program HealthSmart.)

The truth is, I never know exactly what questions will come up. 

Tags: K-12, HealthSmart, HECAT, NHES
By John Henry Ledwith

25. Winter into Spring: School Health Plans

By John Henry Ledwith | February 5, 2015
National Sales Manager, ETR

Happy February! What a great time to plan some dynamic school health activities for the coming months. In most parts of the country we still have some super-cold days ahead. Those are the days when Physical Education classes move indoors, and everyone tries to figure out what to do with a bunch of energetic, slightly stir-crazy kids.

And we’ll also start seeing the thaw into spring—the occasional crisp, sunny day, that changing angle of light that tells us the earth is moving on its axis and, yes, baseball season is coming again!

Indoors, outdoors—it doesn’t matter. These are all perfect days to support Healthy Behavior Outcomes for your student population.

Tags: K-12, School health, HealthSmart
By John Henry Ledwith

26. School Report - November 2014: Teachers, School Health & Transformation

By John Henry Ledwith | November 13, 2014

I love teacher trainings! As long as I’ve been going to these events—and I’ve gone to a good many—I always learn something new.

A couple of weeks ago, I was in Buffalo, New York, with a group of about 80 teachers being introduced to their new health curriculum—ETR’s signature product, HealthSmart. The training was facilitated by Susan Telljohann, PhD, one of the authors of HealthSmart, a master trainer, and a leading thinker in school health theory and development today.

This was quite the group. First of all (and speaking as a native son) these folks were New Yorkers! They were smart, dynamic, personal, and totally willing to participate.


Tags: HealthSmart, K-12, School health, Health education

27. School Report - August 2014

By John Henry Ledwith

Physical activity and good nutrition benefit student learning and academic success. The start of the school year is an ideal time to think about how your school supports healthy nutrition and physical activity. A number of programs are helping schools build healthier kids and more successful students.

Tags: HealthSmart, K-12, Nutrition, Fitness

28. School Report - June 2014

By John Henry Ledwith

For those who work in a school setting, summer brings a number of specialized tasks designed to prepare teachers, schools and students for the year ahead. If you’ve received or are applying for grants that require HECAT-aligned health education programs, ETR can help you sift through the possibilities and make effective choices.

Tags: HealthSmart, K-12, HECAT

Displaying: 21 - 28 of 28

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