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There are 4 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Get Real".

1. Best Practices of Sex Education in Get Real 2nd Edition

By Teagan Drawbridge-Quealy, MEd & MSW | April 4, 2019
Get Real Trainer, Planned Parenthood League of MA

Here in the Northeast, it feels like winter might just be fading. Spring is coming, and with spring, the end of the school year is just around the corner. For many educators the start of spring also means the start of sex education in their health classes, coinciding with the changing of seasons. Maybe there is something to the “birds and the bees” after all!

Tags: Evidence-based interventions, Young parents, LGBTQ youth, Inclusive education, Affirmative consent, Trauma informed schools, Sex education, Get Real

2. Hello Denver! Get Real Regional Training Coming Up

By ETR | May 22, 2015

Our partners at Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM) will be holding a regional Training of the Educator for the Get Real Middle School curriculum in Denver, Colorado. The two-day training is scheduled for July 31-August 1.

Tags: Professional development, Get Real

3. Get Real Curriculum Now on the OAH List of Evidence-Based Programs

By Suzanne Schrag | February 6, 2015
Product Manager, ETR

Once again, the Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works program is a hot news topic in the world of teen pregnancy prevention. We're thrilled to announce that Get Real has been officially added to the Office of Adolescent Health's list of Evidence-Based Programs.

Tags: Get Real, Evidence-based interventions, Teens, Middle school
By Suzanne Schrag

4. Getting Real About Comprehensive Sex Ed

By Suzanne Schrag | November 15, 2014

ETR recently published the Get Real curriculum from Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM). This comprehensive sexuality education program for middle school and high school has been rigorously evaluated and shown to have a positive impact on young people's sexual risk behaviors.

Tags: Evidence-based interventions, Sex education, Get Real
By Suzanne Schrag

Displaying: 1 - 4 of 4

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